a drug

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My eyes glossed with tears. Again? After everything? There was a big lump in my throat. I started to get dizzy. All because of some boy that I love. That's when it hit me. I can't love Daniel LaRusso anymore. I don't wanna love Daniel LaRusso anymore.

But I know I always will. He's like a drug that I can't get rid of. A drug that's never gonna leave my body. A drug that's forever attached to me. And I hated myself for that.
I ran upstairs to my room and slammed my door. I ran my fingers threw my hair as I cried and my mascara ruined. Fuck you LaRusso. After a few minutes of pacing the floors and running my hands through my hair, I plopped on my bed and laid down, still crying. How could he do this? My world was crumbling down on me piece by piece, and I couldn't stop it.

About 5 minutes later, my mom knocked on my door. "Y/N, sweetie?"
"Yes?" I asked with a quavery voice.
She walked in and noticed the tears still spilling out of my eyes. "Baby, what's wrong?" She asked with a concerned look.
"It's Daniel!" I sobbed even harder. "He definitely meant to keep it a secret but still the truth came out," my voice quavered even more "he was lying about not having feelings for Ali. He might have not said it, he proved it. He kept this act on for so long but there's no point of trying to hide it now." I ranted.
My mom came over to my bed and lifted my head up. She sat down and placed my head on her lap.
"What did he do now?" She asks while rubbing my head. I showed her the picture of him and Ali then me and him. She gasped.
"These boys are good for nothing" she shook her head. "Maybe it's time you take a break."
"A break?" I asked "what do you a mean a break?"
"How about let's focus on school and dance, not on any boys or relationships, k?"
I thought about it for a sec. I did make a lot of friends at dance, but I never spent time with them yet.
"Okay." I sighed.
She smiled and rubbed my hair soothingly. I slowly drifted off to sleep.

Time skip blah blah blah

I woke up at 7:30 in my bed. Still in my clothes, and my mom in the corner of my room reading a book on my chair.
"You're up sleepy head!" She smiles
I force a slight grin. My head was still pounding from all the crying.
I sat up slowly and rub my head.
"I know you're feeling sad, but I also know what will make you feel better!" My mom tries to lighten me up. "It's not too much but it's also boy problems." She shakes her head in disbelief, probably having flashbacks from when she had them.
"What is it?" I ask.
"I'm taking you to McDonald's, the we're gonna go buy a shit-ton of ice cream!" She giggles
I slightly giggle too. I'm not sure how it would make me feel better, but I do know that McDonald's and ice cream sounded good.
I wiped off my face from any makeup that was left on, although most I cried out. I didn't really care about shoes at the time, so I just put on fluffy sandals and walked out of the house with my mom.
When we got in the car, she put on the radio. Cruel Summer was playing. I started to cry again.
"Baby what's wrong?" She asked with a confused, concerned, but an 'I'm sorry' face again.
"I-it's j-just that- t-this song-" I stuttered
She immediately turned off the radio. She knew that this song reminded me of Daniel. After a few seconds of scrolling through radios, she put on "Material Girl" by Madonna. She hummed the lyrics as I just looked out the window with red puffy eyes.

We finally made it to the McDonald's drive through and my mom pulled in. She already knows what I want, and she knows what she wants. She orders then pulls up to get the food and pay.
I snack on my fries as she leaves. The line was shorter than usual but honestly, that was a good thing.
I didn't want to leave the car so she went into the grocery store by herself. I waited in the car as an unexpected driver pulls up next to our car.


I roll my eyes. I didn't even wanna look at him. I knew the consequences I would I have if I did.
He got out of the car and knocked on my window.
"Y/N, why didn't you call me?" He says with a confused look on his face.
I ignore him and turn my head. He opens my door. Shit. I forgot I had left the car doors unlocked when my mom said to lock them.
"What's your problem. Why have you been crying? Why are you here at 8:30 at night?" He asks a bunch of questions.
I close my door back and this time locked the doors.
I look at him with disgust and disbelief. "Are you sure you noticed me? Or are you too busy shoving your tongue down Ali's throat" I sass him.
He looks at me confused then realizes. "Y/N I-" he tries to explain.
"No Daniel. I don't wanna hear it." I turn my head again.
My mom walks up to us. "Can I help you?" She asks with a disgusted look on her face.
"Hey Ms. Y/L/N I-" he started
"I know what you did." She death stares him.
A guilty look appears on his face the he swallows "Look I-"
"Save it." My mom sasses him.
My mom puts the ice cream in the backseat then drives off. My phone dings.

Daniel ❤️:
We're talking about this tomorrow. Whether you like it or not.

No we aren't. We're over.

Daniel ❤️:
We aren't over till you hear me out.

I leave him on read. I wasn't talking to him for the rest of my life.

But I knew I was going to. Because I loved him.

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