first practice + hoodies

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A/N: IM SO SORRY I HAVEN'T UPDATED. Dance + school has gotten crazy but here's the next chapter 😃

I hurried out the door for dance and arrived at the studio. I was expecting every girl to get in because of how well we did- but that didn't happen. Only 7 out of 15 girls got in, luckily I was a part of the 7 dancers.
As me and the other girls were chatting at the results and talking about how excited we were, the owner of the dance studio (Mrs. Dubois) called me into one of the main rooms.
"Hello Ms. Y/L/N, I need to ask you something but you need to keep it a secret between us."
My heart fluttered. I didn't wanna do bad stuff behind the other girls backs, I just wanted to be a good dance student. I swallowed and answered "Of course, what is it?"
"If you keep up this passion for dance, we can get you a full on scholarship to Juilliard by the time you graduate." Ms Dubois says with a smile.
My face lightened up. A scholarship? To one of the BEST schools in America?
"Really?!" I say shocked, happy, and blank at the same time.
"Really!" She smiles.
"Well, my passion for dance has never ended, and now it surely won't end!" I exclaim.
She dismisses me out the room. She tells all us girl that we could have the rest of the day off- which was kind of annoying since we had gotten ready to dance.
Us 7 girls walked out of the studio and made plans on Saturday, I told them I would hold off since I wanted to do stuff with Daniel on Saturday. They rolled their eyes at me and told me I was crazy for being so lovesick over a boy. But honestly? I didn't care. I love Daniel with my whole heart and would do anything for him.
As we all separated ways I FaceTime Daniel.
"Hey princess!" He says laying down shirtless, with a smile.
That was really hot lol.
"Guess what? I got in!!!"
"No surprise," He smiles "you are the most talented girl I know, I knew you would get in"
I smiled and talked to him all the way home walking. I made sure to take my time walking because I didn't want the conversation to end. I finally got home and we ended the call. I blew a kiss to him and told him I loved him. As I opened the door with my keys, I notice a note on the counter.

Dear Y/N, I won't be home tonight at all because I'm working a night shift and by the time I get home you'll be asleep, love you.

I sighed. I had a feeling my mom would end up getting so attached with work, as long as she's happy tho. I walked up stairs to get ready for bed, but then I remembered how I would be home alone.
I immediately called Daniel again.
"Come over! My mom has a night shift and she's not coming home til late at night." I smiled through FaceTime
"On my way baby." Daniel grins.
I get in the shower then do my night routine. I made sure I had cute pajamas, and fluffy hair for Daniel. Never did I think once in my life I would change everything for a boy. It was worth it tho.
I go downstairs and sit on the couch for about 20 mins then I hear the doorbell ring.
I run over to the door to see Daniel with snacks and candy.
"How'd you know I wanted to watch a movie?" I look up at him with a smile. I never realized how short I was compared to Daniel.
"Even if we weren't gonna watch a movie, I'd still eat these." He laughs and I giggle. I let him in and he places the snacks on the counter then wraps his hands around my waist. I look into his eyes and admire him. His baby browns are so beautiful.
"So what movie do you wanna watch?" I ask with my arms wrapped around his neck.
"Grease?" He asks
"Perfect!" I smile.
He sweetly kisses me passionately on the lips. I melted to his touch.
We walk over to the couch and put on the movie. I snuggle up to him on his chest and he plays with my hair.
After about 20 mins I start to shiver forgetting how cold it could get.
"Are you alright babe?" He asks then kisses my forehead.
"Yeah I'm just cold"
He gets up and takes his hoodie off. He then gives it to me. I start to blush. I wanted to do it but this made me feel so lucky to be his girlfriend.
"Thank you, handsome" I say with a grin
"You're welcome, gorgeous."
I kissed him again then put on the hoodie. I didn't expect the hoodie to be that big on me.

An hour later the movie ends and most of the snacks are gone. I start to clean up and bring the stuff to the kitchen as I feel a pair of hands wrap around my waist. Daniel turned me around and kissed me again. The kiss was needy and a little fiery. He puts in tongue immediately and I thought I was gonna DIE. He picked me up to put me on the counter and the kissing turned into a make out session. As we both pulled away breathlessly after a few minutes, he puts his forehead on mine.
"I had a great time tonight." He says while lifting his forehead and cupping my face.
"Me too" I smile at him. I check the time and it was already 12. He tells me he's gotta get home or his Ma is gonna kill him. I giggle and jump off the counter. I give him a quick peck and close the door behind him. I'm ready to go to sleep but then I remembered I had his hoodie still. I quickly went upstairs to put my perfume on it and sleep in it.
That's when I knew it.
I was madly in love with Daniel LaRusso.

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