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As I wake up I realize my mom and I had fell asleep on the couch. It was only 12 so I simply nudged her and she woke up. She turned off the lights while I was heading upstairs, probably still half asleep. I went back in my bed and fell asleep again. This time I was thinking about Daniel and our future. I was head over heels for him. He was seriously my everything. My Lover Boy.

A few hours pass by and it's now 8 AM on Saturday. I wake up to 5 'good morning' messages from Daniel. I smiled at my phone.

Good morning princess! Are you awake?
Wake up sleepy head! I wanna go out with you today!
Are you feeling well? Are you okay?
Since you're still sleeping, I'll let you get your beauty sleep, my sleeping beauty.

I love him so much. He was so cute.
After smiling at my phone for a minute, I actually answer his texts.

Good morning handsome ❤️. Yes I did sleep well lol. Just a little tired :)

Daniel immediately saw my texts and responded

Well good, because I had some stuff planned for us to do today!

I was so excited. This would be our first real date.
Not a movie night, not a stay in night. A real night where it's just the two of us the whole time.

Okay, I'll be done getting ready at 9:00. Love you!!

Love you more, baby ❤️.

I smiled at my phone again. My mom walks into my room noticing my big smile that's plastered on my face.
"Who are you texting?" My mom said, acting clueless with a smile.
"Daniel." I replied with a new grin.
"Oh man," she started "my baby is starting a serious relationship!" She sounded and looked proud. "But if he breaks your heart I'll chop his d-" I didn't let her finish.
"MOM!" I almost raised my voice "he's not going to!"
I giggled.
My mom giggled also. "I know, I just can't believe how fast time has gone." She said as she walked toward my bed to sit down next to me.
She wrapped her arm around my shoulders. "It's almost like yesterday you were sitting in my lap while I was putting pigtails in you hair at age 5" she chucked as she remembered those times.
I smiled. I miss those days. Watching TV with my mom as she did my hair, waiting for my dad to come home from work.

Until one day he stopped.

I was sitting in between my moms lap as she was finishing my last pigtail. Usually by the time my mom finished my hair, Dad would come home. Not today tho.
We waited 3 more hours until my mom got concerned and called his phone. When she called, a stranger picked up and told her she had the wrong number.
We waited several more days and my mom even filed out a "missing person" case to the police.
Days turned into weeks, weeks turned into months, months turned into a year.
That's when it hit her.
Dad had abandoned us both.
My mon was devastated. She never let me see it, but little did she know I could hear her crying in her bedroom quietly at night. I was crying all the time.
Everything made me think of him. The newspaper, when he fought me how to read a few things. The phone, where he would pretend to call me. Even my bedroom door, when I helped him fix the broken part of it.
I missed him, a lot. You can't force anyone to stay tho.
As time went on we got over him, my mom had gotten a high paying job here, even back where we lived in Connecticut.
I didn't like to think about the sad times, but I've learned how to handle it.

I notice my mo tearing up and I hugged her. She missed dad more than I did. They were high school sweethearts and 8 years married.
After we pulled away she tells me she's going out with a few co-workers.
"There's money on the counter, food in the fridge, but I'm guessing you're going out?" She says frantically.
"How'd you know?" I asked curiously
"Well, you were texting a boy and smiling. I think I know my daughter after 17 years." She chuckled
I giggled a tiny bit. She was right tho.
My mom walked out of my room and started hurrying out the door. Just before she left I yawned and stretch, then headed to the bathroom. I took a shower and brushed my teeth. I also made sure to wash my face and brush my hair perfectly, I wanted to look good for Daniel.
I picked out a cute pink crop top with baby blue jeans. I put on white sneakers then put on a few rings and a necklace. I stepped in front of the mirror to see how I looked. I looked hot. It wasn't too much, too little, just perfect. Floofing out my hair one last time, I let my natural curly hair out, almost forgetting makeup.
"Hmm" I thought to myself "would Daniel like natural, or outgoing?"
My mind went straight to natural and that's what I did. I put on a little bit of highlighter, cherry lipgloss, mascara and a small amount of eyeliner, not standing out too much.
I stood up from my desk and then my doorbell rang. It was Daniel. I got so nervous but I took a deep sigh then grabbed my small purse than ran downstairs.
I made it to the front door to see Daniel waiting.
"Hey baby!" He says as he leans in for a kiss.
I kiss him then hug him "hey!" I smiled.
"You look amazing!" His eyes look me up and down slowly while he has a shocked smile on his face.
"Thank you! You too!" I beam and smile.
I grabbed my keys from the counter and locked the door. We were heading down the front porch steps as he starts to talk.
"Oh uh, I have something to tell you." He starts
"What is it-"I barely even got the whole sentence out until I saw who was sitting in the passengers seat.

Ali Mills.

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