Finally Free

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Wow, it's been a while since I've updated this story. It started to pick up a bit of traction so I felt now was as good of a time as any to finally post a new one-shot. The only thing I can blame my absence on is school and work, and of course, the current world situation. It's hard to keep everything together at times, but having a platform to publish my work such as Wattpad and AO3 means the world to me and I'm so grateful for it. From the bottom of my heart - thank you for the encouraging comments! Here's a update as a thank you :)

Taylor took a deep breath as she shut off her car, slowly climbing out and walking the short distance to the front door. She stood there for a moment, contemplating turning back around and driving away, before a memory from the day prior surfaced.

"Taylor, you're going to have to visit them eventually. Your parents have been asking you to for years." Taylor continued to fold and refold the shirt she was holding, refusing to face her husband and admit that he was right." "I know, Michael. But when my parents called and told them I had been found after we defeated the Elgen, they didn't call back. Obviously it meant they didn't care." "You know that's not true, Taylor," Michael replied, sitting on her other side and using his hand to cup her face.

Taylor sighed, leaning into his touch as she fiddled with the hem of her shirt. "Promise me you'll go tomorrow." he whispered, kissing her softly before walking back into the kitchen to finish dinner. Taylor watched him walk away before making up her mind.

As Taylor stood in front of the door, she knew she had to at least let them see her, and if they decided to let her stay, then she would. She reached over and rang the doorbell, rocking back and forth as she adjusted the strap of her purse on her shoulder. A few moments passed before she could hear the door's lock and the handle turning, and it opened to reveal a young girl who was probably around the age of six, her blond hair in two high pigtails. She gazed up at Taylor with large blue eyes - ones that resembled her father's almost exactly.

"Anna, you know you're not supposed to open the door for-" Taylor sucked in a breath as her gaze collided with the man who was standing behind the girl, his face pale as he recognized his sister. "Taylor?" he whispered, his voice shaky. She nodded slowly, trying to recover from her shock at how much older her brother looked. Then again, it had been eight years since she had seen him, and at the time he had been in college.

"Hi, Grant," she replied, her voice wavering as well. Grant stared at her for another moment before leaning down and picking up the girl, balancing her on his hip. "Come in," was all he said as he stepped back, allowing Taylor to walk in. She glanced around the spacious entryway, her gaze catching on the pictures lining the walls as Grant led her to the living room and motioned for her to sit down.

Grant didn't say anything for a moment, and Taylor shifted uncomfortably under the weight of his gaze. She was about to speak up when she noticed tears in his eyes, and her heart broke for him. She had been his baby sister after all, and she had never found out if he knew she was adopted or not. Grant cleared his throat before speaking. "I-I just can't believe you're actually here, sitting in front of me," he murmured. She smiled softly, rubbing the fabric of her skirt between her fingers as she nodded. "Me neither, if I'm being honest. I'm sorry for not visiting sooner, Grant. I just didn't know if..." she trailed off, scared to finish her sentence. "If you wanted to see me."

Grant's eyes widened before he moved to sit next to her, taking one of her hands in his. "Sis, I'll always want to see you." Taylor smiled wider before throwing her arms around him, grinning when he returned the embrace. He pulled back, looking her up and down. "You've grown so much, Tay." "Yeah, I guess I have," she chuckled. They sat in silence for a moment before he turned back to face her, his expression serious. "What happened, Taylor? It's okay if you don't want to talk about it, but Mom and Dad didn't give me or Oliver any further information after they called that day. We begged them to tell us more, but they only reply they ever gave us was "She'll tell you when she's ready."

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