New Recruit

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Note: This one-shot was inspired by a Percabeth one shot I read :)

Michael looked out the window for the fourth time in the past ten minutes, sighing. The new recruit to the ranch's team was supposed to have shown up thirty minutes ago. Movement on the sidewalk caught Michael's attention. "Finally," he muttered to himself as he pulled open the front door to reveal a tall boy his age with blonde hair. He was wearing a muscle shirt and gym shorts, and was carrying a stack of boxes. "Hello," he said, out of breath. Michael smiled, opening the door wider to let him in. "Welcome to the ranch. I'm assuming you're Carter?" he asked as the boy stepped into the ranch's large foyer. "Yes," Carter replied, flashing his million-dollar smile. "I'm Michael, your tour guide." Carter's eyes widened. "Michael Vey?" he asked, shock crossing his expression. "The leader of the Electroclan, and the one who defeated Hatch?" Michael smiled warily. Carter's tone seemed condescending. "It wasn't just me. It was my team as well. I couldn't have done it without them. So I'm assuming you know about our powers?" Carter nodded vigorously. "Of course. They weren't planning on telling me at first, but they soon realized it would be hard to lie about your identities when I would be around you and your team everyday." Michael smiled. "I'll introduce you to the rest later." "Good, because you're the only one I know about. They didn't mention the rest of the Electroclan's names. But I know there's a few girls," Carter said, smirking. Michael tried hard not punch him, changing the subject as he led Carter into the large kitchen where Lori was stirring something in a pot. "This is our cook, Lori. She's making dinner currently." Lori turned and smiled at Carter. "You must be the new recruit. Welcome to the ranch." Carter gave her a tight smile before turning back to Michael. He opened his mouth to say something when his gaze trailed behind Michael's head, his jaw dropping open. "Who is THAT?" he asked, a tone overtaking his voice that Michael didn't like one bit. Michael turned, and followed Carter's gaze to the patio overlooking the pool. Taylor and Abi were lying in the sun, tanning. Michael couldn't help smiling wider at the sight of his girlfriend's red polka-dot bikini and her long coffee-brown hair pulled up into a ponytail. As she leaned over to say something to Abigail, Michael finally realized where Carter's gaze had landed. Taylor. Michael was about to educate Carter on Taylor's relationship status when he realized that he could have some fun with this. Consider it payback for the way Carter had been acting. Michael smirked. "That's Taylor. She's one of the members of the Electroclan." Carter's eyes widened more, if that was possible. "What's her power?" "Mind reading, and she give people aneurysms." Carter smiled. "I am so asking her out later. She'll totally say yes," he said as he turned toward the door leading to the living room. Michael followed him, trying not to laugh.


Michael grabbed a plate, sidling up next to Taylor in the buffet line. She was wearing a crop top and shorts, her hair still pulled up in a ponytail with her sunglasses perched on top of her head. "Hey, babe," he said, leaning down to kiss her. She smiled. "I missed you today." "Sorry. I had to show the new recruit around," he replied, motioning towards the back of the line where Carter stood, talking to one of the other helpers. "He's cute," Taylor said, smirking when Michael spun back around with wide eyes. "Relax, Michael. You're ten times better," she said, pecking him on the lips, "-and a hero." Michael blushed a bit before turning back to grab a scoop of the corn in front of him. "His name is Carter. He's a bit cocky if you ask me." Taylor smacked Michael's arm. "Give him a chance. I'm sure he's a nice guy." "He saw you today when you were with Abi at the pool. He told me he was going to ask you out." Taylor's eyes widened. "Did you tell him we're dating?" she asked, giggling. "I was going to, but then I thought it would be fun to mess with him. So no," Michael replied, dodging Taylor's attempt to punch him in the arm. "You're such a joker," she said, shaking her head. But Michael could see her smile as she grabbed a sandwich. He wrapped his arm around her waist, leading her to their usual table where the rest of the Electroclan sat. Taylor leaned across the table to whisper something in Abi's ear. Abi's smile grew wider. She nodded, grinning at Taylor before taking a bite of her pasta. When Taylor turned back to Michael, her expression was mischievous. "Taylor...what are you doing?" he asked. Michael knew that when his girlfriend had an idea, she would stop at nothing to make it happen. She stood up, kissing Michael's cheek quickly before walking over to a table on the other side of the room. Michael watched her say something to Carter as he nodded with a cocky grin on his face and grabbed his plate, following Taylor back to the table. "Carter," Michael said as a greeting. "Hey, Mike," he replied, sitting across from Taylor next to Jack, who glanced at Michael. "Do you want me to beat him up?" he mouthed. Michael shook his head. "Just wait." Jack glanced warily at Carter before wrapping his arm around Abigail, resuming their conversation. Michael's blood boiled at Carter's use of Tanner's nickname for Michael. That was only used by Tanner, and it died along with him. Taylor smiled at Carter a bit too enthusiastically. "So, Carter. How are you liking it at the ranch so far?" Carter smirked. "A lot more than I thought I would." If Carter could feel Michael's glare, he didn't acknowledge it. "So, Taylor. How about you and I get some dinner tomorrow?" Everyone at the table stopped talking. Tessa choked on the piece of chicken she had just eaten, locking eyes with Michael. Her expression asked, "Is he for real?" Michael gave her a small nod. After spending almost three years together, the team could communicate with a single glance. Carter glanced around the table, his confident smirk dimming at everyone's reactions, but only for a moment. He leaned closer to Taylor. "That is, if you think you can handle me. Most chicks can't." A few gasps sounded around the table as Jack stood up, turning to face Carter. Even though Carter was tall, Jack easily towered over him. "Don't ever refer to a woman that way," he said, glaring at Carter. Abigail grabbed her boyfriend's hand, and he sat back down. Carter's confident facade fell quickly. "Whatever. You still up for a little alone time, Taylor?" he asked. Taylor just looked at him before leaning over and kissing Michael. Michael smirked against her lips before wrapping his arm around her waist, pulling her closer. Zeus whistled from across the table. Michael pulled back to see Carter turn bright red, glaring at him as he began to stand up. Taylor smiled at him with fake sweetness, interlocking her fingers with Michael's. "Sorry, Carter. You'll have to ask my boyfriend." Carter's eyes widened. "You're dating him?" he asked. "Why didn't you tell me, Michael?" "Nobody checks out my girlfriend and gets away unscathed," he said. Carter glared at him, before sighing in defeat and standing up. "Whatever. Consider yourself lucky you have her," he muttered before walking away. Everyone waited three seconds before bursting into laughter. Michael turned to Taylor. "At least he was right about one thing. I am the luckiest man alive," he whispered before diving for her lips. 

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