Come Home

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Abigail tossed and turned in the uncomfortable bed, unable to sleep. She glanced around the dark room, lit only by the glow of the other Electroclan members. A tear rolled down her cheek, which she quickly swiped away. It was hard for her to cope with Jack's absence on her own, but she couldn't let the others see her pain. They were dealing with too much at the moment, leaving no room for her pain over missing him. As she laid in the dark, her mind wandered back to that fateful night two days prior. 


"Ian, where's the guard?" Cassy whispered, eyeing the suspiciously empty doorway to their right. Ian scanned the wall before answering. "There's no one within a fifty-foot radius," he said, the confusion on his face evident. "That's not right," Jack said from the back of the group. "This is one of the most heavily guarded compounds on the East Coast. This place should be crawling with guards." Michael shook his head. "Just keep going. I'm sure we'll know soon enough if one shows up." "Do you think we should split up?" Zeus asked, motioning towards the three steel doors in front of him. "We might be able to cover more territory." Michael nodded in agreement and stepped to the front of the group. As quietly as possible, he started to list off teams. "Jack, you take the first door, the armory. Grab as much as you can, we might need it for later. Take Tessa, Nichelle, and Quentin." "Zeus, you'll take the second door, which I believe is the room that contains the control panel. Grace, we'll need you to download as much as you can from the main computer. Ostin and Tara, go with her." Finally, he looked over at the remaining members. "I'll take Taylor, Abigail, Cassy, and Ian through the third door, which leads to the rest of the compound. We'll take out any remaining guards and try to find the prisoners." Jack nodded before grabbing Abigail's hand. "I'll see you soon," he said, kissing her before kicking open the first door. Abigail's heart filled with fear that she wouldn't see him again, a feeling she had become accustomed to. She knew he could handle himself but it still scared her to death each time he walked out of her sight on a mission. Taylor noticed Abigail's distraught look and laid her hand on Abigail's arm. "It's okay, Abi. He's going to be fine." Abigail shot her a grateful smile and straightened her shoulders. Jack was strong and prepared for any type of altercation, and so was the rest of his group. She kept repeating the mantra as she followed Michael into the third door. He was going to be okay. 


Unfortunately, that advice didn't apply this time around. 


"Abigail. Abigail, honey. Wake up." Abigail slowly opened her eyes to see Taylor kneeling next to her bed, rubbing her arm in a comforting motion. She sat up, realizing her face was coated in tears. Her pillow and tank top were also soaked. She glanced around to see most of the Electroclan awake, their expressions sympathetic. Abigail blushed with embarrassment. "I'm sorry," she whispered, her voice raspy with emotion. Taylor brushed Abigail's hair with her fingers, shaking her head. "Don't apologize. I know how you feel, probably better than anyone." When Michael had gone missing after their fight on the Tuvaluan island, Taylor was as inconsolable as Abigail was now. It warmed Abigail's heart that Taylor was willing to comfort her the way Abigail had done the previous year. Taylor gently helped Abigail stand up and walk towards the small kitchen, where the rest of the team was gathered around the cramped table. Tessa looked up from her cereal bowl when they entered and immediately stood up, clearing her dishes. She motioned towards her now-vacant spot with a tentative smile on her face. "Here, Abi. You can have my spot." Abigail began to shake her head, but Tessa stopped her with a quick hug. "Please let us be here for you." The rest of the Electroclan nodded with smiles. Abigail blushed, this time because she could feel that she was a valued member of the group. It was sometimes hard to find her place because she didn't have a "violent" power. Taylor helped her into Tessa's chair even though Abigail could walk just fine at that point. Quentin handed her a filled bowl of oatmeal and a glass of orange juice. Abigail smiled in gratitude and took a bite, realizing just how hungry she actually was. Come to think of it, she hadn't eaten a full meal in days. She downed the meal in less than five minutes much to the surprise of the others. Each of them had tried to convince her to eat at some point in the past two days, to no avail. The captain of the boat they were staying on entered the room, looking around at the group of sleep-deprived, stressed teens. "I hope you all were able to rest. We have a long day ahead," he said, glancing at Abigail with concern. She self-consciously touched her hair, which was probably a mess. Her face must have been tear stained as well. It matched her broken, bruised heart. Michael nodded, dismissing the captain. "We'll be ready." He then walked over to Abigail, his face full of determination. "We're going to find him," he said, pulling Abigail into a hug. "Even if it's the last thing I do, I will get Jack back." Abigail shook her head vehemently, placing her hand on his cheek. "Don't say that. There's a reason you're the leader of the Electroclan. You're the strongest of all of us. I have faith that we can find him." Abigail wasn't sure if she believed that deep down, but it was easier to put on a front than show how she truly felt. She stepped away and turned toward the bedroom. "Go back to bed, sweetie. You need the rest," Taylor appeared at her side, guiding her towards the bunk. Abigail climbed under the thin covers and allowed her exhaustion to consume her. 

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