Late Nights

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Hello everyone! I would like to come on here and say I'm so sorry for not updating for over three months... quarantine and summer homework as well as my job caught up to me. But here's a short one for now that I wrote quite a while ago but never published! Thank you to all who have read these! Your support means more than you think :)

Jack glanced at his watch, staring at the numbers that were counting down as each second passed. In the morning, the team would be leaving on one of their most dangerous missions since they defeated Hatch. But Abigail had been asked to remain behind, meaning Jack wouldn't see her for almost a month. His heart hurt at the thought of leaving her. Jack sighed, standing up and walking down the hallway, stopping in front of her bedroom door. He knocked quietly, but there was no response. He tried the door handle and it swung open, revealing a dark room. Jack was about to turn around to let her sleep when he heard a sob from the corner of the room. Alarmed, he walked further into the room and turned on a lamp. Abigail was curled up with her head in her arms, her back against the side of her bed. She looked up, and Jack's heart broke at the sight of her tear-stained face and the pain in her blue eyes. "Babe?" he asked, rushing to her side. He wrapped an arm around her, letting her head fall onto his chest. "Shhh. Talk to me." Her bright blue eyes met his as the tears continued to roll down her face. "What if something happens to you? What if I'm not there to help you? What if-" her voice cracked as she sobbed. Jack gently scooped her into his arms, resting her on his lap. "Abi. Nothing's going to happen to me. I may not have powers but I've been doing this for years. Look at me," he said, gently tipping her chin so she would look him in the eye. "I love you," he whispered. "Let's get you in bed." Jack helped her to stand, his steady arm wrapped around her waist. He pulled the covers over her, running his fingers through her long blonde hair in a comforting motion. Kissing her forehead, Jack turned to leave the room when she reached out and grabbed his hand, stopping him in his tracks. "Please stay. At least until I fall asleep," she whispered. He knew he couldn't leave anymore, so he nodded. Her smile as he lay next to her on the bed was enough to solidify his decision for good. As she fell asleep in his arms, he stared into her beautiful face. Jack had never felt like this for anyone. He thought back to two years ago, before he joined the Electroclan and met Abigail. He remembered tormenting Michael after school, Taylor trying her best to stop him. It was crazy to see how far they had come. How much each of them had changed. Jack smiled as he looked down at his sleeping girlfriend, already anxious to see her again after they returned from the mission.

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