Breakaway pt. 1

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                            's been a while. I wasn't expecting to take over a year to update, but things just worked out that way. A lot has happened since I last updated, the main thing being that I graduated and am starting college in less than three weeks. In spite of all of the changes in my life, I still hold a love for the Michael Vey series and if you weren't aware, Richard Paul Evans just announced the release of the 8th book in the series coming soon. I was in middle school when the 7th book came out...that was a long time ago! I'm not quite sure how to feel about it, on one hand the 7th book left a lot of questions unanswered about the rest of the Electroclan, but it also ended with Michael, Taylor, Ostin, and Jack all happy and safe. I'm not sure if I want to see them in danger again! What are your thoughts on the new book?

This is an old one-shot I found collecting dust in my notes app that I decided to continue. It's longer than I meant to make it, so I'm splitting this into parts so you don't have to read a giant chunk of text in one part. I'll add the next part as soon as I finish writing it. It feels great to be writing again, and I hope y'all like it :)


Abigail tossed and turned on the uncomfortable bunk, unable to focus on sleeping. She shivered as she pulled the scratchy, thin blanket around her shoulders, trying to ignore the freezing air blowing through the ship's cargo bay. After another sleepless hour, she sat up, wrapping the blanket around her as she surveyed the small room lit dimly by the glows of the other team members. Her gaze immediately drifted to Jack's bunk, where he was fast asleep on top of the thin covers. Abigail had always envied his seemingly inability to feel cold. She wanted nothing more than to curl up next to him, but hesitated as she glanced around at the others. Her apprehension vanished when she noticed Taylor lying next to Michael, his arm draped over her as they both slept soundly. Her heart warmed at the sight of her best friend. Michael was one lucky guy. Abigail slowly stood up, careful not to wake McKenna who was asleep on the bunk above her.

She slowly crept across the room to Jack's bunk, relieved to see enough space next to him for her to lie comfortably. She laid down, already warmed by his presence. Jack stirred next to her, his brown eyes fluttering open as his gaze settled on her. "Abi?" he asked in surprise, turning to face her fully. She smiled sheepishly, beginning to stand. "I'm sorry. I didn't mean to wake you." She was stopped by his arm wrapping around her slender waist, pulling her back down. "Don't leave," he whispered. "You're freezing." He ran his hand up and down her arm as he sat up, pulling his blanket out from under him. She smiled in gratitude when he wrapped it around her, curling into his side and lying her head on his chest. Abigail fell asleep within minutes.


Jack woke, moving to sit up before he realized there was someone lying to next him. He smiled as he glanced down to see his girlfriend curled up next to him, her long blonde hair spread out on the uncomfortable bunk. He gently brushed her hair from her face and kissed her forehead before sitting up, gazing around the room. Most of the Electroclan was still fast asleep. Jack couldn't help but smile at the sight of Michael holding Taylor. Apparently Abigail wasn't the only one who couldn't sleep last night. He sighed as he stood up, stretching. Cassy appeared in the doorway, glancing around the room. She smiled when she noticed him, wringing her hands. "Hey, Cassy," he said, careful not to wake the others as he began to stand up. "Hey, Jack. Breakfast is ready," she said, motioning towards the doorway. "But I didn't want to wake anyone."

He nodded, leaning down to cover Abigail with the extra blanket before following Cassy out of the door and into the ship's small kitchen. Tessa and Quentin sat at the small table in the corner, staring at a large piece of paper that resembled a map. Tessa looked up when Cassy and Jack entered. "Hey guys," she smiled. "You hungry?" She asked, motioning towards the breakfast buffet lined up against one wall. Jack hungrily loaded up his plate, sitting down on Quentin's other side. "What are we looking at?" Quentin groaned. "I honestly don't know. Ostin keeps giving us maps and charts like we suddenly have his intelligence." Tessa elbowed him in the side. "What Quentin means," she said, throwing him a sideways glare, "is that we're looking over a map of the territory of Casablanca Factories." Jack nodded, taking in the large circles that represented the company's sites worldwide. Casablanca Factories was the newest corrupted evil that the Electroclan was asked to help take down.

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⏰ Last updated: Aug 04, 2022 ⏰

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