Missions and Stories

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"Watch out!" Michael shouted as he ducked to avoid a blast. Jack threw himself to the ground, narrowly escaping the laser blast. He ran towards the fence surrounding the compound, the rest of the team following behind him. They had just reached the edge of the fence when Taylor screamed, falling to the ground. She was clutching her leg which had been shot, the blood beginning to seep through her pant leg. Michael stopped, his face frozen in horror as he ran to her and scooped her into his arms. Michael attempted to run, but he was unable to pulse while holding her. Jack spun around, blindly shooting at the guards advancing towards him and ran to Michael. "Let me take her. I'll get her to safety. We need your powers." Michael hesitated, looking into Taylor's face before kissing her forehead and handing her to Jack. He nodded to Zeus, who blasted the fence, the gate swinging open. Jack dodged the increasing number of bullets as he ran towards the truck at the edge of the island. Tessa threw open the truck's door and Jack practically threw himself into the truck, the door slamming shut behind him. He laid Taylor down on one of the seats, ripping a piece of his shirt off and wrapping her leg as she slumped into the seat. "Keep pressure on it. Michael and I will be back as soon as possible." She nodded, and Jack turned to open the door when he saw a flash of Abigail's face, her blonde hair spilling over her shoulders, her bright blue eyes sparkling as she laid her head on his chest. Jack shook his head, trying to focus. He knew it was possible he would never see her again. But he also knew that he could never live with the regret if he had allowed her to come on this mission. He just hoped that he would be able to hold her in his arms again. "Jack!" Tessa's voice, muffled by the rain of bullets and the closed truck door brought him out of his thoughts. He grabbed a rifle off of the rack by the door and knocked on it as hard as he could. The door slid open, and Tessa waved him on. Nichelle was standing next to her, wrestling with a guard. "Go! Michael has them occupied right now, but I don't know how long he can hold them," she said, worry etched into her face. "I'll back him up," he said. "But you stay here. Be careful." She nodded, grabbing her gun and scanning the perimeter. In the distance, he saw Michael throwing lightning balls but it was obvious he was running out of energy. Jack ran as fast as he could to his side and began shooting the guards surrounding them. "Taylor's in the truck with Tessa and Nichelle," he said. Michael nodded, sweat pouring down his face. "Thank you. I mean it." Jack turned back, pushing a guard off of him and knocking him out with the barrel of his gun. McKenna ran to Michael, her body glowing red. "Michael," she said. "I-I need water. I can't hold this much longer." Michael turned to Jack, but Jack shook his head. "I got this. You need a break anyway. Go get the water." McKenna shot a pained smile at Jack. "You're too good for us. You don't even have powers and you are able to hold your own." Jack blushed, but it was too dark for it to be seen. "Thank you, McKenna." She nodded in acknowledgement, turning around and charging a group of guards behind her. "We got it! Get in the truck, NOW!" a distant voice shouted. Cassy, Ostin, Quentin and Grace emerged from the compound, Grace clutching a computer monitor. Cassy was limping, blood spilling down her side. Michael, who had returned with the water, ran to her, wrapping his arm around her to hold her up. "Grace downloaded as much of the data as she could, but it was too much. We had to take the computer monitor as well," Ostin explained, gesturing to the monitor Grace was carrying. Jack grabbed his radio from his pocket. "Copy. This is Jack. We have the data. Two injured. We're on our way to the truck right now." A crackle of static burst from the radio. "Copy. Who are the injured, and what is the state of their injuries?" Jack couldn't respond right away because a guard jumped in front of him, pointing a gun at him. Jack pointed his rifle at the guard, but he had a feeling deep down that he wasn't walking out of the draw alive. The guard pulled the trigger, and Jack expected to feel pain, but instead a loud blast took the pain's place as the guard fell to the ground. Zeus stood behind the guard, panting. "Careful, bud. You can't go dying on us." Jack grinned and nodded his head in thanks. He grabbed the radio he had abandoned on the ground. "Copy. Taylor and Cassy. Taylor was shot in the leg, and Cassy has some kind of injury in her side." The radio crackled again. "Affirmative. Try to administer emergency aid to them until you reach the house." Jack was the first to reach the truck as Tessa pulled open the door and ushered everyone in. Michael stumbled in last, his arm wrapped around Cassy as her faced paled. "What happened?" Jack asked as Michael laid Cassy on the seat across from where Taylor was sitting, clutching her leg. "I was try-trying to stop a guard from entering the command center when they threw a grenade. I was able to paralyze the guard, but a piece from the grenade hit me in the side...but..." Cassy's voice faded off and her eyes rolled back in her head. Michael pulled her shirt up, revealing the deep cut in her right side. He turned, panicked. "We need to get her to the house. NOW." Jack ran to the driver's seat and started the truck, flooring the gas as they plowed through the dense forest surrounding the compound. The sound of stray bullets ricocheting off of the outside of the truck filled the tense silence. He could hear Michael sink into the seat next to Taylor. "How are you doing?" "Better than Cassy. She's the priority," she replied, but Jack could hear the pain in her voice. He glanced in the rearview mirror at his team. Michael was holding Taylor, her silent tears spilling onto his shirt. Tessa was holding her hand to Cassy's pale forehead, muttering something to Ostin who was frantically scribbling in a notebook. Jack was able to make out broken pieces of their conversation. "Elevated blood pressure...shrapnel in the bloodstream...surgery." McKenna was sitting next to Ostin, her hand clutching his free one. Her face was twisted in sadness and anger. Grace was still holding the computer monitor, her head resting on the back of the seat. Quentin and Nichelle were seated next to her, Quentin's head buried in his hands while Nichelle comforted Grace. Zeus sank into the passenger seat next to Jack. "How far?" he asked, looking out the window. "Ten minutes. Let's hope they can hold out that long."

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