All He Ever Needed

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I'm back! Once again I'm sorry for such long breaks in between uploads - junior year is much harder than I anticipated and I never have time to write anymore. This idea is entirely inspired by one of my favorite Percabeth one-shots I read a while back, Someone New by @LostAthenian! It's basically the same premise, with a few slight twists. The idea to use Jack and Abi for this prompt came to me as I was trying to fall asleep last night - that's where most of my ideas come from anyway. I hope you enjoy this (admittedly short) fluffy, emotional one-shot with my favorite couple from the series! 


Abigail paced in front of the fireplace, biting her lip in nervous anticipation as she waited to hear the telltale sign of Jack's return. She tightened her light pink cardigan around her, the click of her heeled boots echoing across the tile of the living room. Abigail twisted her wedding rings around her finger, running her fingers over the smooth metal as the clocked ticked softly in the background. Abigail wasn't just nervous to see Jack again for the first time in three and a half months after his lengthy mission he had to take when Michael's father asked him to become the head of security of the newly-reformed Elgen headquarters. Around a week after he left for his mission, Abigail discovered something that both excited and scared her out of her mind - she was pregnant. She was beyond excited to start a family with the love of her life, but she knew with Jack's job it would be a challenge. Her biggest fear is that her child would grow up without a father. Abigail shook her head to clear her thoughts, glancing over to the cabinet next to her, where a small gift box sat, three positive pregnancy tests sitting inside of it. They were from months ago, but she chose to wait until she could see Jack in person to tell him the news. She didn't want him to find out he was going to be a father over a Skype call. A soft rattling across the room drew her attention to the door, and she could feel her heartbeat quicken as she realized she was about to see her husband. Abigail swept her hair over her shoulder, nervously twirling one of the long, blonde strands around her finger as she watched the door. It practically swung open in slow motion, and she gasped as she took in the sight of him - his messy, brown hair that hung over his eyes, his black jacket that brought out the dark chocolate of his eyes, and the twinkle in his eyes and smile as he laid eyes on his wife. "Abi," he whispered, holding out his arms to catch her as she flung herself into his arms, burying her face in his shoulder. She breathed in his familiar scent of pine as she sobbed into his shoulder. She was grateful that he had only been gone a few months - not years - but there was no denying how much she suffered as each day passed with no sign of him. But he was here, now, in her arms. She pulled away for a few moments, wiping away a few stray tears as she took in his handsome face. Then she realized that she could kiss him now, and she did just that, lunging forward and pressing her lips to his. He smiled against her kiss, his lips moving against hers as he tightened his grip on her waist. After a few minutes she pulled away, biting her slightly swollen lip. "Hey, baby," he whispered, brushing his thumb across her cheek. "I missed you so much." She smiled, running a hand through his hair as she kissed his cheek. "More than you could ever know," she whispered. For a moment, she forgot about what she had to tell him, and the fear and insecurity she held about it.


Jack smiled as he kissed his wife on the head, whose eyes were trained on the book propped on her lap. "I'll be back in a little bit," he whispered, enjoying the way her bright blue eyes lit up as she realized that he would be coming back soon. He walked down the stairs into the kitchen, opening the fridge and pulling out the carton of milk. He walked over to the cabinet that held the bowls, reaching in to grab one when a shock of blue caught his attention. Stuffed behind the stack in the cabinet sat a small gift box about the size of a book, a white satin ribbon in the shape of a bow on top. Jack squinted in confusion, setting down the bowl he held and pulling it out of the cabinet. As he examined it, he noticed a small gift tag hanging off the side, his name written in Abigail's neat, scrawling handwriting. His heart tightened in anticipation as he sat down at the kitchen table, setting the box down in front of him. Should he open it? He shook away his guilt at opening it without telling her and gently lifted the top off the box, peering inside. The box's lid hit the floor as Jack realized with a jolt what sat inside. He picked up one of the tests, his hands shaking as he confirmed the two solid pink lines on the display. Jack sat back in the chair, shoving a hand into his hair. Abigail was pregnant. He was going to be a father. His beautiful, sweet, amazing wife was carrying his child. Jack quickly grabbed the box, gripping it in his hand as he ran up the stairs. He stopped in front of the door, quietly admiring Abigail's form as she turned the page of the book in her hands. Her long blonde hair fell like a curtain in her face, and every few seconds she would twist one of the strands around her finger, biting her lip in concentration. He wanted nothing more than to pull her into his arms and kiss her senseless, but one glance at what he held reminded him of what he needed to do. He hid the box behind his back, stepping into the room. Abigail glanced up with a smile that almost did him in. "Abs, what is this?" he asked, his voice shaking as he stood in front of her, enjoying the way her face twisted in confusion as she glanced up at him. Jack slowly pulled the box out from behind him, and he watched his wife's face as it lit up with recognition, and then shifted to a mixture of guilt and nervous anticipation. "Jack..." she whispered, setting her book down and scooting over to the edge of the bed. He sank down beside her, handing her the box and watching as she lifted the lid off, picking up one of the sticks. "How long?" he whispered. She looked up at him, her eyes shining with unshed tears. "I found out a week after you left. Three and half months ago." He gasped, the weight of the date sinking in. "Oh, Abi," he replied, pulling her into his chest. "I should have been there for you." She shook her head, her hands resting on his chest. "Jack, I'm only three months along. You haven't missed anything. I waited because I needed to tell you in person. Seems I didn't get the chance, though," she exclaimed, gesturing to the box sitting next to her. "Guess I need to work on my hiding skills." He grinned, pulling her into his lap as he leaned down, capturing her lips. He could taste the tears running down her cheeks as he kissed her all over her face. "We're going to be parents, Abi. I'm going to be a dad." His grin was infectious as he watched her worried expression morph into one of pure joy. "You're not mad?" she whispered. His heart squeezed as he realized that she was scared to tell him. "Oh, baby, of course not. This - family - is all I've ever wanted. And you have given me that. I couldn't ask for more." Her smile was the best reward he could ask for. Jack glanced down at her stomach, noticing for the first time the large sweater she was wearing along with one of his old t-shirts. "May I?" he asked, and she nodded, biting her lip again as she gently lifted the hem of the shirt, revealing the small bump of her stomach. He gasped softly, gently placing his hand on her stomach. "I love you so much," he whispered, before gazing up at his beautiful wife. Her blue eyes were glistening with tears, her hair falling in her soft, heart-shaped face. His attention was drawn to her lips, he grinned, wrapping his arms around her waist and pulling her down onto the bed as she let out a giggle that warmed his heart. He breathed in her sweet strawberry scent as he pushed a strand of her hair behind her ear. "I love you so much, Abi. Thank you for being mine," he whispered, leaning down and reveling in the pure love and joy on her face. And when his lips touched hers, he knew that he had everything he ever wanted and needed right there, in his arms. 

I hope you liked it! I promise I'll work on making longer one-shots in the future, but they take me a long time to complete unfortunately. Thank you so, so, so much for the tremendous support I've received on this book! I posted this out of complete boredom mid-quarantine and expected it to flop, but it definitely hasn't so thank you for that! See you next upload :)

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