Happy Birthday Ty

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As I sit here watching Tyler's practice I wonder what Oopsie will think about hockey when she gets older. I fell in love with it pretty much right away and it's such a big part of our lives. There is so much to look forward to. Her first game, when she actually can understand what's going on, her first time on skates. I think about things like that a lot. Watching Tyler do his thing out on the ice brings me so much joy and I really hope that she loves it as much as I do.

I don't normally go to practice but today I have an appointment with Dr V and we have to go there right from here. It's going to be my 30 week appointment and I told Tyler that it's going to be a quick one and that he doesn't need to go, but he's missed a few of them and wants to be involved when he can. I can't argue with that, and I do like when he's with me even though the questions he asks the doctor sometimes makes me shake my head. I do love the way his face lights up when she shows up on the monitor.

Practice is always fun to watch because even though they're working and serious professionals it's still more laid back than game day. Tyler sees his teammates as family and there's nothing he loves more than family. They're all just big kids out there playing the game they love. I wish I loved my job the way they love theirs. I'm starting to feel that being a mom is going to be the job I love. I hope I'll be as good at it as they are at hockey.

Whenever I am in the practice facility it brings back really great memories of when Tyler brought me here to skate for the first time. After practice and after some of the guys leave he comes out to get me and brings me back to wait for him to get dressed. There are a few players milling about and I smile and say hi to them as they pass me. It feels a little weird, like I shouldn't be here, but Tyler assured me that it was ok.

John Klingberg and Alexander Radulov walk out of a room and I expect them to just pass me, but they stop to talk to me. "How is baby Seggo?" Alex asks.

"She's good. We're going to see her right after this actually. Do you guys have anything exciting planned for the break?" Tomorrow is the last game before the all star break.

"Mexico." Both of them say at the same time.

"Not together," John adds.

I chuckle. "We were thinking about going away, but ultimately decided to stay home and start work on the nursery."

"That's probably killing him, isn't it?" John asks.

"Yes and no. We're really excited to get starting on the room, but of course he'd love to get away for a bit. He's looking forward to painting, though."

"Good! Put him to work," Alex says with that patented Radulov toothless smile.

I smile. "That's the plan."

We talk for a few more minutes before Tyler comes out and joins us. He's dressed and ready to go. "Are these two bothering you?"

John playfully shoves him a bit. "We were just talking about how we hope the baby doesn't look like you."

Tyler shoves him back. "Better than your pale, skinny ass, eh?" He wraps his arm around my back. "Ready?"


We say goodbye to Alex and John and head out through the hallway that leads right to the garage. We don't have time for Tyler to stop for the fans who are waiting today. The drive to the appointment is probably going to be longer than the appointment itself but Tyler is so excited to see the baby again. We still have been calling her Oopsie despite the fact that we've come up with a name for her already. She's been Oopsie for so long and it's been tough to break out of that habit. She can be Isabella when she's born.

Puppy Love :  Tyler Seguin Fan FictionWhere stories live. Discover now