I told my dad about you

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Ever since I could remember it's always just been me and my dad. My mom left when I was so young and even though he's dated, he's never found that person to fill that void she left. You could say I'm a daddy's girl, but that wouldn't even begin to describe how close we are. He's my rock, my best friend, my everything, and I'm that for him. You could understand that when it was finally time for me to move that it was really hard on him, but knew I wouldn't be around forever so he had to let me go. He asked me to promise that at the very least I would come over every Sunday to spend time with him and you bet that if it's during football season that it would be to watch the Cowboys. I gladly agreed and that's been the tradition ever since. Today is no different. The Cowboys are away so we'll be home to watch the game. That's not the only reason I'm here today, though. Today's the day I tell my dad about Tyler. It's time.

My dad can be pretty overprotective of me and ever since my last breakup it's gotten even worse. He let his guard down and let himself trust him, he saw David as a son. I'm not the only one who got hurt when we finally ended it. I just hope my dad gives Tyler a fair chance and doesn't punish him for the sins of others.

Dad. Charles or Chuck, never Charlie. Single dad. High school football coach. Let's face it, a saint for putting up with me all on his own for all of these years. He speaks his mind and is not afraid to be the unpopular opinion. Family is the most important thing to him. The Cowboys come next. That's only half a joke. He wants to come off tough but deep down he's a big, soft teddy bear. He had his heart broken 33 years ago and has never seemed to recover. I make sure I love him enough that he never feels like he's missing out. I know it's not the same, but he always says I am more than enough. He has a dry sense of humor and has a heart of gold. All of my friends love him and he loves them too. What can I say? I have the best dad in the whole world.

I shouldn't be nervous. This is a good thing. I'm happy. I know he wants me to be happy. I also know he's going to have a million questions and he's going to be judgmental and he's going to worry way too much. My friends already think I'm crazy and they're my friends. This is my dad. My overprotective dad.

"Is everything ok?" he asks.

"Yeah, why?"

"Your mind is somewhere else."

"No, I'm good. Everything's good."


I should have known better than to try to pull one over on him. He knows me better than I know myself.


"Out with it."

"It's noth..." I know I came over here with the intentions of telling him about Tyler, but now I'm not so sure that's what I want to do right now anymore. Maybe it should wait until we are more serious, if that ever happens.

"Don't tell me it's nothing. Something is going on."

I sigh. "Ok, there is something, but it's not bad. Not for me."

"What is it?"

"I kinda started seeing someone."

He picks up the remote from the coffee table and turns the game off, something I have never seen in my 34 years on this planet. He places the remote back down and looks at me. "Is that so?"

"Yeah. It's still a little new, but I really like him."

"What does kinda seeing mean?"

"It means we haven't put a label on it yet."

He rolls his eyes. "He doesn't want to commit."

"Both of us. We've agreed to take it slow."

"Who is he? How did you meet? How long have you been keeping this from me?" He questions.

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