Darts, Pool, Gelato

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Tonight is my date night. I planned it. We are going to one of my favorite bars to hang out in. I'm going to be picking him up and everything. I told him it wasn't fair that he got to plan all of the dates, and that I wanted to plan one too, so this is my time to shine. Tyler's dates have been so magical, it's going to be hard to top them.

The bar has an array of games to play from pool to foosball to darts. My game is darts and I'm praying that it's something Tyler is going to struggle with. I have to be better than him at something, and I'm really good at darts. I would actually be surprised if he was better than me. I've been playing ever since I can remember. My dad taught me everything. He's the only person I know who is better than me, and it's not by much.

The whole way to the bar I explain to Tyler how it became my go to hang out spot. This is a place that is pretty special to me. My friends and I spend a lot of time here. We've been coming here since the day it opened. You can find us here at least once a week, maybe more depending on how hard of a day we've had at work. I can't wait to show Tyler a little bit more of who I am.

We walk through the doors and it's not like Cheers where everyone shouts your name when you walk in but they know me here. Tyler has a hand on my lower back the whole way through the bar. I love it. It's so comforting. The bartender, Nick, gives me a familiar nod as we make our way to the bar. It's not overly crowded in here, which is one of my favorite things about the place. It's bustling but not too loud where you can't have a conversation with someone without having to scream in their ear.

Nick places my usual, a Miller Light, down in front of me. "And for you?" he asks Tyler.

"Bud Light." Nick walks away to get Tyler's Bud Light. Tyler looks at me. "He knows your drink order?"

"I told you I come here a lot."

Nick places Tyler's Bud Light in front of him and looks at me. "Left the rest of the posse at home tonight?"

"Yeah, it's date night," I say with a smile as I look at Tyler. Tyler smiles back. "This is Tyler, Tyler this is Nick."

Nick reaches over and shakes hands with Tyler. "Nice to meet you," Tyler says.

"Likewise," Nick replies, "have fun, you two." He walks away to help some other customers.

"So what's a typical night out at the bar for Amy and her posse?" Tyler asks as he turns around and leans his back up against the bar.

"Usually we start off with drinks and wings."

"Wings? Nice."

"They make the best wings here. We'll have to order some."

"Whatever you want. It's your date. I'm paying, though."

"Uh, no. It's my date. I pay."

"There's no way I'm letting that happen."

"Nick, I'm starting a tab," I say to Nick as he walks passed me. I hand him my card before Tyler can object. Nick takes my card, runs it through the system, and hands it back to me. Tyler looks at me with pursed lips, trying to look annoyed. "My date. My rules. Got it?"

He fights a smile but can't help himself. He bites his lower lip slightly then lets out a single laugh. "Fine."

"Anyway, drinks and wings, then we usually play some pool. We save the darts for last."

"Darts after drinking? That doesn't sound very safe."

"I'm usually not drunk."

"Usually?" I just laugh. "You're so irresponsible."

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