I can't wait to kiss you at midnight

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New Year's Eve is one of my favorite nights of the year. It's a night when everyone gets together to celebrate the new year beginning or the old year ending. It's an excuse to get drunk and act crazy and I don't do that often. New Years is always my one exception. When I was younger I'd get together with my aunts, uncle, and cousins and the whole family would have a big party. My dad would always be my midnight kiss. As we got older the tradition changed, but my excitement for it never has. Tonight will be different than any other New Year's I've had. A very welcome change of routine even though I will miss hanging out with Faith and the rest of the crew. Tonight I will be going to Tyler's game, followed by the team party at the hotel across the street from the AAC.

The last few days with Tyler have been incredible. This is the most time we have been able to spend together since we met. It's going to be rough going back to our usual routine of seeing each other a few times a week while he's home and not at all when he's on the road.

Before Tyler's game I go to Chad's hair salon and get my hair done for the party. I was going to leave early to go back to Tyler's place really quick to change, but the game was so exciting I wound up staying for the whole thing so I decide to go see Tyler by the locker room before rushing back to his house.

He looks surprised to see me but walks over to me and wraps me up in a hug and kisses my cheek. "I wasn't expecting to see you down here. I thought you were going to leave early."

"I was, but who could leave that exciting game? I was hoping for a hat trick."

"Sorry to disappoint."

"You could never. It was still a great game. I should get going, though, so I'm not late to the party. I couldn't leave without seeing you."

He smiles. "I'm glad you did. Your hair looks nice," he says as he flips up the ends of my hair.

"Thanks, Chad works miracles."

"No miracles needed." He kisses me. "Get going. I'll see you at the party. I can't wait to see you in that dress." He leans in close and says into my ear, "and out of it."

I smile and blush. "I can't wait for the last part either." Knowing Tyler, he will probably pass out before any kind of taking clothes off happens but I'm not going to kill his mood.

I let the dogs out in the yard while I run to the bedroom to change. I don't know how quickly I am going to be getting an Uber since it's New Year's Eve, and I want to be able to walk into the party with Tyler. I carefully put the dress on, making sure I don't mess up my hair, it held up surprisingly well during the game.

After I put myself together I look at myself in the mirror. I have to admit I love how I look. I take a quick selfie in the mirror and send it off to Faith. I wrangle all of the dogs back inside and request an Uber. I am making pretty good time and I shouldn't have a problem making it to the W on time. When I'm in the car I let Tyler know I'm on my way. He replies with "hurry".

I walk into the lobby of the W and Tyler stops dead in his tracks when he sees me. He smiles wide and hugs me when we get closer.

"Wow, you look stunning, absolutely beautiful," he gushes as he takes a step back to look at me.

"Thanks, Ty, the dress is amazing."

"I told you it was made for you. I'm not going to be able to take my eyes off of you."

"You're looking pretty dapper yourself."

"No, no. This is all about you. I'm speechless."

"Tyler Seguin speechless? It's a miracle."

"Oh hush." He kisses me. "Let's get to the party so I can show you off."

Tyler grabs each of us a drink as soon as we get in. There is an open bar set up, a place I imagine I will become very familiar with throughout the night. Usually Tyler goes off to talk to the guys and we do our own thing for a little bit before meeting back up with each other, but tonight he is glued to my side. It's a very welcome change in routine. He hasn't taken his hand off of the small of my back since we got here.

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