Chapter 12 Celestio's story

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I continued to walk deeper into the forest. 'why does he insist on living so deep in the forest' I say myself. "I have to hurry, if I'm not back at the treehouse by the time boys get back they will probably go crazy and go and send a huge search party after me" I laugh at the very thought. 

I continue to walk for a couple more minutes until I finally reached it. A magnificent and beautiful pond filled with fish and all other kinds of wildlife. This place felt like it was separated from the rest of the world. It was beautiful and untouched by both humans and the monster apocalypse. The trees were colorful and healthy, the water of the pond was clear and sparkling, animals running around free and without fear. 

It truly was something that you don't see every day. Something that you can only find here. Nowhere else in the world is like right here, right now. For it was being protected. This great protector only trusted a few and I had the honor of being one of those few people. 

I heard a rustle in the shrubs that were to my right. "Celestio it's me Y/N" I say as I put a hand in front of me, reached out towards the shrubs. At first, there was no movement and I thought maybe the rustle had been my imagination. But then a body slammed into mine forcing me to fall over onto the ground and land on my back. 

I looked at the force that had knocked me over, and I smiled as I recognized the friend I had been looking for. "Hey boy it's good to see you" I said as I looked at the great protector of this magical place.

A magnificent and beautiful white feathered griffin.

I had found Celestio early in my childhood, around the time when I was five

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I had found Celestio early in my childhood, around the time when I was five. I was at the age where I knew how special and rare he was and I knew that I had to keep him a secret. 

I had wandered into the woods one day, looking for a bunny I had caught a glimpse of. It had started to turn dark as the sun started t set. I then started to freak out and began to cry, holler, and yell for help. But no one seemed to hear me.

Then out of the darkness, I saw a glowing white light.

That was when I met Celestio.

He found me and brought me to his sanctuary, where he fed me berries and fruits he had gathered from the trees and bushes. And then provided me warmth as I slept, for it was too dark at night for me to find my way back home.

In the morning he allowed me to ride on his back as he flew me back to my house. To where my parents were very furious at me for going into the forest at night.

But back to my original point. After Celestio brought me home. I continued to visit him at his sanctuary regularly. Celestio and I had an understanding for each other and became close friends. For a while, I had contemplated on what I should call him. He could for obvious reasons not speak to me and tell me what to name him. So I had to improvise.

I had originally seen him as my guardian angel. So I named him celestio which in Spanish means heavenly. It suited him and seemed to like and respond to it when I called him by that name.

So  Celestio and I have always been close friends.

But lately, due to meeting the boys, and having to tame the new monsters that had just recently entered this world, I haven't been able to visit him for quite a while.

Celestio continued to lay on me. Allowing me immobile and lying flat on the ground like a pancake.  "Celestio I know it's been a while but I have been very busy lately" I said as I tried to push his feathery butt off me.

He just looked down at me. "Cmon I'm sorry boy" I said as I started to pet and smooth down his feathers.

He just gave a huff and turned his head away from me. "Are you seriously giving me the silent treatment right now" I asked as I tried looking him in the eyes?

He gave an eagle cry as if to say 'damn straight'

I just rolled my eyes. 'What can I do to make him forgive me" I asked as I started to think. 

I then smirked as I remembered what I had brought for him and was in my backpack. "Well since you are so mad at me I guess you don't want the snacks I brought for you" I said as I crossed my arms.

That seemed to pique his interest as he finally looked at me. "If you get off me, I'll give you your special treat I promised to bring" I said as I knew I was finally getting to him. He looked me straight in the eye. "Yes I'm telling the truth, now please get off me" I said as I was finally able to push him off me.

I then was finally able to stand up. But was knocked off balance as Celestio knocked his head against my back. "Ok, ok I'll get it, just give me a sec" I said laughing.

I grabbed my backpack and proceeded to open the zipper when all of a sudden we hear a loud and angry roar in the distance. "Blarg" I whisper. celestio also looks in the direction of the roar. I then look at him and grab his face, so that our foreheads are touching. "I know you like to stay out of things Celestio, and I don't expect you to help me. But I'm asking you" I said with my eyes closed with my forehead against his. "I can't think of any situation where Blarg being this angry is a good thing. He could be hurting one of my friends. Monster or human and I need to help them" I said nervously.

I open my eyes to Celestio pulling his head away from mine. He then turned around showing me his back. "Are you sure boy" I asked? He then nodded his head and motioned his head to his back. I climbed onto his back and positioned myself so I wasn't trapping his wings. Celestio got in a crouching position and was about to take off. " You know. If we don't die, I'll give you some of those snacks I brought for you" I said while hugging his neck.

And with that encouragement, he launched into the sky with a big eagle cry. Flapping his white-feathered wings, bringing us closer and closer to town. "Let's see what trouble we get into Celestio" I said with a smirk while drawing my sword from its sheath.

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