Chapter 9 Just Misunderstood

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"Hey there squirt my names Dirk." the big guy replied while shaking my hand in the process. Up close we was even bigger than I imagined. He stood at least a foot or so taller than me, and my tiny hand was practically drowning in his large rough ones. "Are you a friend of Quint and Jack?" I asked as we stopped shaking hands.

Both Jack and Quint looked like they were going to respond to my question but Dirk interrupted them by grabbing both of them and pulling both of them towards him into a side head lock. "Ya we are the bestest of friends, right guys." Dirk said while pulling the two even tighter. I just chuckled at how cute the trio were. Dirk smirked in victory at impressing his squirt.

Meanwhile both Quint and Jack were struggling and wiggling around. Trying to get out of Dirks chokehold. Once Dirk finally noticed the struggling boys he smirked and opened his arms wide open. Letting the boys fall face first into the ground. I giggled once again at their antic behavior. But before I could process anything else, I felt a weigh being placed on my shoulders. I looked up to see Dirk had placed his arm over my shoulder and had pulled me so close to him that I was almost being smothered by him.

"So squirt I was wondering." Dirk said while looking down at me, to make eye contact. I gulped and tried to keep my breathing steady. "w-what do y-you want to know." I said while trying to calm myself down. Dirk was different from Jack or Quint. Both Jack and Quint were adorable, nerdy, sweet, and had this air around them that just made you feel comfortable. But Dirk had this good boy bad boy vibe. Like he wanted to be recognized as a mean cold hearted bad buy, but in reality he was just trying to protect the soft sweet person he was on the inside. This gave Dirk a more dominating atmosphere than the Jack or Quint. Not that I felt threatened by it. If anything it was comforting, it made me feel safe and protected.

"How did you get the winged wrenches to listen to you?" Dirk said while pointing to the three monsters that were standing above the two boys. The monsters  were doing nothing more than starring at them. But that still seemed to freak out Quint, as he slowly backed away.

"I was nice to them." I stated plainly while walking out of Dirks embrace to go tend to my needy monsters. Dirk just raised an eyebrow at me as it to say that's a butt load of crap. "C'mon Y/N seriously tell us your secret." Jack said while walking in-between me and Dirk. Now I raised an eyebrow at that. But decided to not question the nerdy teenager. 

"I'm serious guys." I said while scratching Kiki on his head. "Just think about it, these monsters are not from this world." I said then grab Link from my shoulder and hold him out in front of my face. "Take Link her for example, I saved him when I was walking by the river a few weeks ago, and saw him drowning." I said while pulling Link closer to my face and giving him a gentle kiss on his tiny forehead. "Afterwards I set him free, told him that he could go. But he decided to stay with me." I said now getting emotional over the story of how I met my beloved friend and pet.

"Link didn't know how to swim, so obviously in his environment there was not water. He didn't know how survive. He was sucked into our world and forced to adapt so that he could survive." 

"It's no different for any of the monsters. The winged wrenches, Link, Dozers, even Blarg. They all are just scared." I said while not snuggling with my three winged babies. "Everything just wants to be loved, in one way or another. And once you share your love, they will always return it." I finished.

There was only silence as I finished my little speech. I stopped hugging my monsters and looked over at the three teenage boys. "Quint are you crying?" I asked in a teasing manner as I saw little drops in the corner of his eyes. "NO, the wind is just at a accelerated at speed at this time of day. Its making my eyes water." He said quick to brush his tears away with his sleeve.

"Before I could say anything else I felt a familiar weight on my shoulders. "Your on tough chick squirt." Dirk said once again with his arm lazily on my shoulders. Not looking her in the eyes, just starring off into space. Jack then shoved Dirk's arm off me. Which received a glare and grunt from Dirk. Jack then gave me a big tight hug. "I still want to find June, but just because the more of us there are the more likely we will survive. Is that ok?"

I patted him on the head as if to say 'all good'.

I then gave final scratches to Kiki, Fang, and Taj and sent them on their way. Us four then got in Big Mama. Jack and Quint in the frost while Dirk and I were in the back. Dirk noticed that there was megaphone on his seat and decided to throw it out the window. "Aw, I need that to find June Del Toro." Jack said while groaning. 

I then groaned as I  ONCE AGAIN felt Dirk place his arm around me while saying "What? What do you want with her? Last time I saw here, she was at Lumber party." 

"You saw June!" Jack said while laughing. There was a moment of silence as Jack seemed to be processing this. I decided to ignore the rest of the conversation and lean more into Dirk for a quick nap.

Side note:

Dirk kept placing his arm around Y/N because 1 he wanted to be closer to her, and 2 so that Quint and Jack would back off.

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