Chapter 15 Fortress of Awesomeness

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"Oh ya that reminds me" Quint said rubbing his chin with his hand. "Did you guys find out anything about June" Quint asked.

"Nope. Something better" Dirk boasted 

"PING PONG, huh ta dah" Dirk said while slamming the table onto the lawn and doing jazz hands. I just laughed at his enthusiasm " And he calls Jack the dork" I mumble to myself. Quint doesn't seem impressed at first as he starred at Dirk quizzically. This seems to annoy Dirk so he said "So, are you just going to stand there like a dork, or do you want to play.

Quint finally seems to catch on to what Dirk meant and said "Play, definitely".

Dirk then threw a paddle at Quint but he struggled to catch it. "These boys have nothing on us" I mumbled to Link for which he responded his a small nod. I giggled at his response and gave him a small scratch under the chin.

Quint still looked nervous as he had the paddle in his hand. "Ok, y-you serve" Quint stuttered. But Dirk showed no nervousness when he quickly hit the ping pong ball with his paddle a hard as he could onto Quint's side of the table, winning him a quick point. Quint had a mini temper tantrum and yelled "Ah, no fair".

I once again laughed at the boy's antics, the boys then resumed playing ping pong bouncing the ball back and forth towards each other. This was a nice moment as our little family.

But it was ruined by a loud roar by BLARG in the distance. I looked over and noticed that Jack had heard him as well.

But I was once again broken from my train of thought when  I heard Dirk and Quint yelling at something. I looked over and saw Link running away with the little ping pong ball in his mouth and Dirk and Quint chasing after him. 

I grabbed my stomach as I doubled over laughing my butt off. "Link stop bullying them and give them their ball back" I said in a scolding motherly tone. Link gave me big puppy eyes as if to say 'do I have to'. I just laughed and nudged my head in the boy's direction. Link dropped his head disappointed and gave the ball back to Dirk.

"So no big deal or anything" Jack said as he walked out of Big Mama. "But when we go out looking for June again, there's a ginormous monster that's out to get me and since it almost killed us all we need to be more careful" Jack elaborated. 

Link once again took this distraction as a chance to take the ping pong ball once again. But this time Rover joined in on the fun as both cute monsters jumped over the wooden fence to chase the ball. "Don't go too far you two" I yelled out.

"Your right Jack, we shouldn't waste our time playing ping pong" Quint said as he placed the paddle on the table. "Is playing ping pong ever really a waste" I asked Quint as I picked up the paddle myself. "Of course not" Quint said as he rested his head on my shoulder.

"And more importantly" Jack said as he shoved Quint off my shoulder, which received an annoyed look from Quint. "You should have seen me driving backwards. I think I'm better driving backwards than forwards" Jack said might I say very cockily.

"I'm serious" Quint said still clearly mad. "If we're being hunted by a giant monster, we need to protect Y/N, ourselves, and our treehouse. We need to arm up and be prepared" Quint said determinedly. "The Quint man is right. Battle stations" Dirk said smiling.

"Good point Quint. We must protect our home, especially if Y/N is going to live here permanently with our family" Jack said a little nervously towards the end. I smiled, we truly were a family. I'm glad I wasn't the only one that thought so.

"Family" Dirk asked. "Yes Dirk we are our own little family either you like it or not" I said smirking at Dirk with my arms crossed over my chest. "Huh ya whatever squirt" Dirk said as he walked over and dropped his arm around my shoulder once again.

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