Chapter 18

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" So? You're acting like it's a big deal! I know what I was getting myself into! He's my mate now and I marked him. Plain and simple. They can try to take him again but he's useless to them now. He's already marked and mated." I said while taking a sip of my whisky that Kirogiri placed in front of me. " I guess you're right...I'm just concerned is all." I nodded and heard padding of feet until an all to familiar blonde haired psycho barged into our makeshift bar room.

" Tomu! Tomu! Guess what!!" I looked over at crusty then back at psycho bitch. " What?" She started jumping up and down holding out a pink and white stick in front of her. " You're going to be an uncle!!" I spit out my whisky choking on the bit that managed to go down the wrong tube. " What the fuck?!" I said glaring at her. " Yup! Me and Jin are going to have a baby! Here look the tests positive!" I looked at the test two pink lines painfully obvious. " Fucking shit! Now we have to find a better base so we can apparently raise LOV second gen. Just my fucking luck.." I snorted and felt arms wrap around my waist. I turned my head and my eyes widened.

" Izu what the heck are you doing out of bed! How are you even walking?!" I said while turning around so he was hugging my chest. He huffed out a breath and looked up at me. " Jerk! I'm not some weak omega who only relies on their alpha to do everything! Who do you take me for?!" I gulped and looked over at crusty for help. " Sorry baby boy...I didn't.." He growled and removed his arms from my chest and folded them across his own. " Bullshit! You're an asshole!" He stomped over to the couch and sat down his cheeks puffed out in a pout.

" Aw baby I'm sorry, please don't be mad. I was only joking.." He growled. " Mhm whatever!"

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