Chapter 23 (Final Chapter!!)

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Three years later

" TODO!! WHAT THE HECK!!" I yelled at the male who was holding his two year old daughter in his arms. Who was covered head to toe in baby food. " It's not my fault she wanted to coat herself in baby food!" I felt my eye twitch. " Todo, my kids are covered in it too!" I yelled trying to pick Yuna and Aito up. " Come on babies mommy's got to bathe you both. Since daddy is busy with work. " Sorry Izu...I guess she just wanted to have some fun!" I glared at him. " Define fun! This is not fun! My goodness!" I looked down at my two three year old children and sighed.

" Uncle Todo and your cousin Yuki are going to be the death of mommy one of these days." They giggled and brought their small hands up to my face. Wiping the baby food on it.

" IZU IM HOME!" I smiled. Thank god. " Over here hun! Be careful where you step!" I saw him walk up from behind and I turned around to face him.

" Sweet cheese and crackers! What on earth?!" I giggled and tilted my head in the direction of the kitchen. " Yuki decided to coat herself, Yuna, and Aito in baby food." He sighed taking Yuna who was doing the grabby hands towards Dabi.

" D-Da—DADDA!" I felt my eyes widen. " Her first word!! Oh my goodness!" He took Yuna from me and spun her around. " My little girl said her first word!" I looked down at Aito who was watching his sister and father.

" M-Ma..." I looked down at him my eyes wide. " Come on baby you can say it!" He giggled and took my finger into his tiny hand. " M-Ma—MAMA!" I gave him a tight hug and kissed his cheek repeatedly. " That's right baby! Mama!" I looked up at Dabi his smile wide.

" So about that bath? Wanna take a family one?" I snorted. " You want my pregnant butt to fit in a bath tub with all of you? Mhm you're crazy." He kissed my cheek and placed his free hand on my stomach. " Yes, yes I do." I sighed. " Fine...let's go take a bath..." He kissed my lips and gave me a wide smile.

I quirked my brow and he just continued smiling like an idiot. Man do I love him...I don't know what I'd do without him...

Even though the hell I had to go through...just to meet him...ha it still gives me the chills to this day. Luckily a year after my babies were born the system was abolished and shut down forever.

Omegas rare or allowed to choose who they want to mate and spend their lives with.

I will say I'm happy that it's gone..But I kind of have to thank it...

Because if it weren't for the Baby Project System...I wouldn't have ever met Dabi...

But that's all in the past. Now we can look towards a bright new future! Our children's future...Cause I know damn well things are going to be different...I don't mean society wise...I mean the futures that are growing inside of me...

" Hey Babe..." I asked him while curling up close to him. Our babies already tucked in their beds and fast asleep. " Yes my dear..." I let out a giggle. " So you know how I told you I went to the doctors for my weekly ultrasound..." He looked at me. " Yes?" I took his hand in mine. " We're not having one more baby..." He quirked a brow. " Hon what do you mean?" I got on my knees. " WERE HAVING TRIPLETS!!!" I saw his face go pale. " T-Triplets?!" I nodded. " So..." He looked at me. " For fucks sake...the more..the merrier..." I squealed and nuzzled into his chest.

" I uh..just wanted to let you know..." He looked down his hand playing with my hair. " Yes?" I giggled. " The triplets...are all girls..." He froze and I started laughing non stop.

" No! No! Oh for fucks sake! No! Someone please help girl is enough but now four?! Poor Aito...he's going to be the only boy...! No we need to change their genders." I looked at him like he had ten heads. " Babe that's not how things work!" He shook his head. " Goddammit!"


Thank you all for your support and for reading my book!! It's been a pretty hard time with juggling a bunch of things at once but I'm glad we pulled through and finished it!!

I'm so proud that I've actually got my story out there...I low key that it was going to be horrible and awful to read but instead it came out pretty good!!!

Again I want to thank all of you so much!! I'm currently working on new stories to publish so please stay tuned!!

Until then...

Have a good rest of your day / night!!!

Thanks again!!!


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