Pranking The Toad and The Greasemaster

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Fred, George, and I are doing another prank on The Toad, a.k.a Umbridge, and The Greasemaster a.k.a Snape. We're turning The Toad's clothes black and The Greasemaster's clothes pink for a day.

Harry lets Fred, George, and I use the Marauder's Map and his Invisibility Cloak. Snape and Umbridge are patrolling the corridors, and they're at the other side of the school from Snape's office, but they're coming to his office, so we have to go quickly.

We get to the Potions classroom and there's a password. Dang it! Fred guesses, "I love my greasy locks."

George guesses, "I'm a grumpy hermit."

I guess, "I am The Greasemaster, bow down peasants!" We all laugh, careful to keep our voices down, but then, the door opens. I see posters of a red-headed woman with green eyes like Harry. She doesn't move or talk, I guess she's on a Muggle poster. 

I hex Snape's cloaks and t-shirts and Fred puts a dancing hex on them, and it's triggered every time he says, detention, Potter, Weasley, Malfoy, and Granger. Then George mutters a hex that will make him say, The Greasemaster, every time he says, Snape or Professor Snape.

I check the Map, Umbridge and Snape are a few minutes away. I whisper, "We should get going!"

We leave and just our luck, we see Peeves. He says, "What a shame if you get caught out of bed, what would Snape and Umbridge say? Professor-"

I think, "Waddiwasi!" Two pieces of gum shoot into Peeves' nostrils, he starts yelling and I slash my wand and use a spell that I invented that works on ghosts. His mouth won't move, and no sound comes out. I whisper, "Bye Peeves, have a good time."

We put on the Cloak and go to Umbridge's office, there's a password again to get in her bedroom. The twins say, "You can guess the password, you got it right last time."

I guess, "I love torturing kids."

The door opens and I see advertisements for torture devices and a guide on how to use the Cruatcius Curse. I say, "Well this is disturbing."

The twins nod in agreement. I hex Umbridge's dresses and Fred puts a dancing hex on them, and it's triggered every time she says, detention, Potter, Weasley, Malfoy, and Granger. Then George mutters a hex that will make him say, The Toad, every time she says, Umbridge or Professor Umbridge.

The twins and I put the Cloak on and sneak back into the common room.

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