Part 14

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Okay, I know its been eight long days since I last updated, and probably most of you forgot the story =P So here is a recap: Courtney sneaks in the kitchen for food, and finds two hagons talking in whispers. She drops something and the two hagons hurry out of the kitchen. After few minutes they bring in an angry Mrs.Russo with them whose face and body features have totally transformed. 

A long chapter, this one is!

Read on to see what happened next:


Instead of her whitish complexion, her face was pale, extremely pale, her forehead having three lines of crease, under which were fitted the sockets of her deep blue eye. Her nose was so long that I thought she was Pinocchio and her mouth? God, don't even wanna think about them. They were twisted so much in disgust, reminding me of that picture of hers in the book I'd found in the secret room. Her hair was open, cascading till her waist and when she opened her mouth to speak, blood dripped on the floor.

"What the hell are you doing in my kitchen Courtney.", she screamed.

I have no clue from where, but suddenly I felt brave, vigilant. Certainly, there was nothing wrong in sneaking in someones kitchen to eat because you did not want to disturb anyone.

"Umm, I was hungry, Mrs.Russo", although I said it casually, somehwere in my cold heart I felt a little annoyed and afraid.

"You thought I wouldn't get to know, you nitwit? How dare you! Thanks to these two here-", she said, pointing behind her to the two hagons who had told on me, "-that I got to know of your deeds! Otherwise, don't know what all you would have stolen!"

Whoa, from ginger bunnies to nitwit?

"I'm sorry, but what wrong did I do? I did not want to wake Fiz-"

"Shut up! Out! You get out of my kitchen NOW, or I'll chop you and feed you to them!", again, she pointed towards the hagons as she said 'feed you to them'.

The two hagons slurped and I shuddered.

"We eat humans", they both said in unison.

My mouth dropped open. They ate what?

"Did you not hear me, you sneaky rat! Out!"

Before going out, I grabbed a few of the cookies.

"Leave them!", she screamed even louder now. I bet half the household was already up.

"Hey! I'm hungry okay? I need food, and they are delicious."

Okay, I think I should have quietly left. Mrs.Russo headed towards me and from nowhere, I saw a hundred more hagons following her. They all had on angry faces displayed everywhere.

Few of them snarled as Mrs.Russo was just 5 steps away from me.


She took one step forward


Another step


One more.


Another step. Now she was a step away from me.


And she took one final step, her face inches from mine. She leaned in to get a closer look of my face. Her body pressed against mine as she did so. She opened her mouth to say something, and I saw she had extremely ugly, unstraight teeth. From behind her left canine, another tooth peeped out. It was a light yellow, the one you would expect a summer dress to be.

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