Part 18

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Its been half a month since my last update. I suck right? =| damn 10th grade, ive had no time! But anyways, here goes the next chappy =)


This was the second time that I woke up feeling confused, looking at dark purple stony walls, lying on a bed made of leaves, and the same old fungi coloured drawer. But this time there was no sock hanging out like the previous time. 

'Um, hey?' I told the air.

'Oh you're awake, Courtney!' Askook's words of fire came drifting in the room before he himself came from the kitchen. 'How are you feeling?'

"What happeneed to me? The last I remember is eating lasagne, and then calling out Belinda's name."

"Honey, the lasagne contained a harmful drug. I'm sorry!"

"What? How?"

"Even we don't know how. Belinda said that she had simply cooked it with love and care, but God knows what happened. She got so upset with it, that she started blaming herself. When I told her it was really alright, she just left angrily. I hope she's fine. Are you fine, Courtney?"

"Yes, but poor Belinda! Anyway, how am I still alive? I mean, wasn't the drug harmful or something?"

"Courtney!" Askook's expression changed to a horrified one. "Do you want to perish?"

"No!" I cried. "No, Akook. But, you know."

"Well, I understand. Fortunately, I had the anti -medicine for the drug used on you. Whoever tried harming you, is a very clever person because the drug used was one that didn't give out a smell. Or else Belinda would have figured it out."

"Well, do you think Mrs.Russo has anything to do with it?" Okay, I was starting to freak out. Who would want to take my life amidst this place where it was impossible to find us, and why? 

"Yes, Belinda thinks so, too. But the question is, how does she know we are here? If she did, she would simply attack you. I am sure that Russo is a total bravado to face you directly."

"Yes, you are right. Gosh, I'm confused. One day I'm fine, and the next someone tries to kill me. I must be really, really lucky."

"I'm so sorry. I shouldn't have helped Mrs.Russo in the first place. If only I knew her true intentions."

"What?!" I asked. Now  what did I not know?

Askook made a sad face, and said, "You know, I'm one of the reason you lived in Russo's mansion in the first place."

"Um, okay. This just got way more confusing. Care to explain?"

"Yes. I am not supposed to, though." 

Askook was going to stop, but then I frowned so he continued, "Okay, no more secrets. I will tell you, you ought to know. So here goes. As you know, you are very special, born with a special gift. Mrs.Russo felt your powers as soon as you were born. Then, three years later, she got to know of Aarya, and how Aarya was your clone in strength. And that was the time that she started looking for heirs to her throne who would willingly help her, rather serve her."

"As soon as Aarya was born, she decided she wanted you both. So, Mrs.Russo enquired all about your family. When she got to know about your military father, her plan went in action. She got him killed by disguising herself as a soldier."

Askook waited to see my reaction, but he got none. I couldn't react, I was all numb. So, it wall well planned even before Aarya was born. My father was no more because of this Russo I call my step-mother. I motioned for Askook to continue.

"So when he died, your mother was plunged in grief. If you remember, your uncle rushed her to the hospital when she was severely ill, but he returned back without her."

Yes, I did remember. The day mother had died, my uncle David Leon had come back and given us the news. I was young then, and didn't really know what to do. And then, just days later, I found myself in the orphanage, along with Aarya.

Askook continued,"Well, that uncle of yours was actually Mr.Fox. Seth's father. His family is leagued with Mrs.Russo, who promised to share her powers with them. So he made you reside there for a while. It was known from the beginning that you were a brave and headstrong girl, who'd eventually try to run away. And hey presto, you did. After that, Mrs.Russo guided you to Venice, to the inn where you first met her, and all. Everything was going according to the plan. I was on it, too. Russo asked me to shut up, by saying that she was actually doing a good deed by saving you from the horrible orphanage. I believed her then."

He stopped, and paused to take a deep breathe before continuing,"But, when I got to know of her real intention, I flew away. About the Bonds between us, I will tell you now."

It was my turn to speak now. "How did you know I was in trouble that day? And what bond?"

"Yes, I'm coming to it. I sensed something was wrong. The Lord, he is a really kind person. I believe he sent me the vision of you getting killed by Russo. Immediately, I set off to Venice, and saved you just in time. I became your Godfather then, and that is how we can feel each others presence, our feelings. A Godfather and His child have connections between them called Bonds. Ours got strengthened when I came back to meet you, and when you felt I was lying that day."

"What exaclty were you lying about?" I asked.

"Your ability."

"Oh. Um, what is it?"

"Aarya can see if there is any attack coming next on any person of the magic world, and you have the power to stop them."

I was totally dumbfounded. "Really?"

"Yes. From the beginning, you were entitled to our world. It was just which side you chose. The good one or bad. Mrs.Russo forced you to join the bad one, whereas the good one being The Lord's, was strictly not for you. Now, our world is seeing two opponent armies fighting. The Lord Vs. Mrs.Russo. Although it is not possible for anyone to fight the Lord, except you."

"Me? But I'm just a timid normal girl!" I cried. 

"No, Courtney, you aren't. You are more powerful than our Lord. And that is why Russo took you away."

Everything started making sense. When Aarya was born, summer was in season, a very hot and humid summer. As soon as she was out of my mother's tummy, it started raining heavily. Out of the blue, it started raining. We considered it some sort of charm, but the joy of a sister and another child made us forget about all that. Aarya could see the future dangers. I could stop them. Not to mention, the day I was born, it was christmas and on my birthday night, we had to switch on the air conditioner since it suddenly became too hot, with the snow still being abundant.

My whole life, I've been reading adventure books, trying to imagine myself a part of them. And now, there's one dangling right in front of my nose, and I'm scared. Scared of loosing the battle. Scared of loosing Aarya. Scared of loosing the real me.

"Hey, I'm sorry but I just need some time alone", I started. Askook nodded in a knowing way. 

"You know", he said, "The best way is to take a walk along The Nevada's coast. I can fly you there if you like."

"Thnaks! That would be great."

And so, we got ready to set off. All this information was hard to digest at one go. I needed some lone time to figure stuff out in a manner that it would all end up fine. 

Although deep inside, I knew things would change forever.


HAW. This was probably a bigger chapter. Thanks for reading people! Also check out I forgot to give it back, by aliceschyler4.

Thanks! =D =D


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