Part 6

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Unlike that time, when I'd fainted on witnessing Eradication, I only got paralyzed this time for like, a few seconds. Because, as Aarya and Mrs.Russo looked at the dragon inside the cage, hand in hand, I just looked away to prevent the lump in my throat from escaping. Yes, it was a dragon. A real one. It was a Big Dragon(tell me something new) and was sleeping in the huge cave.

"Askook!", Mrs.Russo called, and the dragon lifted it's head a bit, spread it's left wing, and suddenly got up like a dog looking at a juicy bone. "Askook, my child, you've got students", she continued.

"Can you tell us about this, Mrs.Russo?", asked Aarya's innocent face.

"Oh, hunn, he's your new teacher. I decided that you both were very intelligent to just sit and lull around when I'm your guardian. So, I decided that you would learn some art. The art of magic", replied Mrs.Russo.

"And how is an orange dragon gonna teach us magic?", that obviously came from me.

"Oh, you've always had so many questions, Court",Mrs.Russo answered.

Ignoring the way she called me Court, I replied,"Well I'm not that surprised. Learning magic through a dragon doesn't flinch me a bit. Nada".

"Well, then, do you both want to spend quality time with your new teacher?",asked Mrs.Russo, obviously expecting a 'yes' from us. Aarya gave a slight, unsure nod. Without even bothering to listen to the answer, Mrs Russo vanished with the blink of my eye.

As soon as she was gone, I asked  Aarya,"Sis, I have a bad feeling about Mrs.Russo. She is a magician, has hundreds of 'hagons', keeps dragons as her teachers and grows you-know-what's in her so-called garden. I mean, tell me honestly, what do you think?"

"All I want is to learn magic!", said Aarya. She was suddenly fascinated by that idea and soon forgot that here was a dragon waiting for us. As if God came in me, a brilliant idea struck my mind. I though, why not learn this magic? Then, not only will Aarya be satisfied, but I can also use my skill against Mrs.Russo if ever we planned on running away.

"You know what, Aarya? Let's do it!".

And so, for the next few hours, Askook was giving us basic instructions on the ideologies of magic. His medium of communication was fire. He opened his mouth, thought of what he wanted to say, and the fire came out, forming the words he sought to tell. Once, he asked us to touch the fire. I did so with some hesitation and found that the fire wasn't hot at all. Askook taught us that unlike the usual, Harry Potter stuff where you cast spells, all you had to do here is select a weapon, imbibe a maximum of 4 powers in it and use it for defense as well as attack. He advised us that while selecting the right powers, we must choose two for defense and two for attack. The weapon might be anything, from a boomerang to a king's sword. Soon, Aarya and I overcame our fears after realizing how sweet Askook was. We went near his cage and stroked his scaly body. Aarya tried to act like Luna Lovegood of Harry Potter and claimed that she saw Askook's claw melting for a fraction of second, but me and Askook soon laughed it off. Honestly, I was having fun, as after our lessons, all we did was talk about Mrs.Russo and her other stuff,  but one thing that Askook mentioned kept making it's way in my conscious mind.

"For all you know children, Russo's old age might just prove to be the cause of her empowerment", he'd casually said. Did he mean that she might get more power when she became old? Or did he mean that dead magicians possessed more strength? God, was I confused?

"Enjoying already my strawberry jams?",suddenly Mrs.Russo's raspy voice interrupted us. 

"Ah! Yes, but my stomach is screaming,'no more, no more!' ",said Aarya. We chuckled at her joke. Correction. Mrs.Russo and I chuckled and Askook emitted more cold fire. 

"Okay, get ready to experience Schizone",Mrs.Russo said. Before I could think what it was, I felt my body turning like in a whirlpool and suddenly all three of us were in the dining room. Oh, so Schizone was how you could teleport from one place to another. Cool.


After dinner, Aarya and me were watching Johny Bravo, when FizzFire came to tell us that Mrs.Russo was expecting guests, and that we were supposed to be down there to greet them by ten. Wow. She had visitors at this time of the night. What was she, an owl?

I put on my new black kimono that was cut off just below my knee and had red dragon threadings on it. Aarya was given a cute little white kimono with, surprisingly, colorful flowers on it. We dressed quickly and by quarter to ten, we were both ready. FizzFire came running to announce that we had to go down. He din't leave until he'd said how pretty we both looked and after he left, Aarya stole my lipgloss and started dabbing her lips with it. From when did she start becoming conscious of looks? God knows what Mrs.Russo did to her. 

Anyway, we went downstairs and Mrs.Russo nearly squeezed my life out by hugging both of us together in her thin frame. The usual, Aarya was delighted and I just gave a weak smile and settled on the couch. At about ten past ten, the creepy doorbell announced the arrival of our guests and in entered a family of three. The father, the mother and their daughter. Guess who the daughter was?


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