Part 13

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Hola! Part 13's  up! Read on:

It was a cool, breezy day, the sun had just risen above the horizon, and I had no clue why I was up so early. My clock showed it was 6:00 AM. I got out of the bed, in my snowman pj's and went to the washroom. The cold water running from the tap splashed on my face and it felt really nice. 

I wondered to myself, why on earth I had woken up so early. My usual sleeping curfew was nine, and by that time I would be up and awake. Maybe it was the book I'd found that kept me curios. Having nothing else to do, I removed the book from it;s hidden place behind the dressing table, and flipped frantically through the numerous pages. The book had few illustrations, too and most of them were dragons, evil-looking and cantankerous magicians. 

I was about to start reading a little more about Mrs.Russo's family, when I heard something stir behind me. I froze where I was. What if it was Mrs.Russo, using the Schizone to keep an eye on me?

Slowly, I turned and saw that it was only Aarya, just turning her back towards me and snuggling deeper in the blanket.

I didn't blame her. The blanket, with those lavish mattresses and the cozy pillows were just too comfortable to be described. One would want to sleep in there forever. We were one of the lucky ones.

Suddenly, my stomach gave a loud growl and that's when it dawned upon me. I realized, finally, that these past four months that I spent with Mrs.Russo, I never actually gave in completely to food. It was a wonder, because after the food I was habituated to eating in the orphanage, this was something that every child there would want. And here I was, not even acknowledging that fact.

I decided to sneak in the kitchen and get myself something. I though I'd simply call FizzFire, but then why wake him up? Besides, except for horse riding, I'd not done a single outdoor activity since our stay in the mansion, and I could feel the fat in my body becoming fatter. A small walk to the kitchen would definitely not hurt.

I quickly put on a sweatshirt because it was chilly outside, and headed towards the kitchen.

Mrs.Russo's kitchen was another wonder to marvel. This, too, was huge and was carefully constructed on the ground floor, next to the dining room. But it hidden in such a way, that nobody would tell that there were butchers and chefs actually working beyond the walls of the dining room. 

To enter the kitchen, you had to enter the password, which only Mrs.Russo and the hagons knew. Luckily, during one of our casual talks, FizzFire had told me that the password was 'Satan is lame'.

The reason behind this was that Mrs.Russo's first two initials were Satan Lamia. I felt that it should have been more like Russo-is-lame-cause-her-password-is-what? 

I entered the kitchen very casually, but as soon as I saw two hagons, talking to each other in low whispers with their backs to me, I went back out without making a noise. I waited for them to go out, but I also wanted to know what they were talking. So I decided to hide and listen.

Slowly, I entered again, made sure they were still engrossed in their talks, and quickly hid myself behind the big shelf that contained all sorts of tubes. It was really tough to listen to them speaking. 

Their voices were barely audible, but every now and then, I caught few words like 'Askook' and 'escaped'. They were probably talking about Askook's escape, though I'd rather call it his freedom escape.

I tried hard listening, and in order to accomplish a little more, I pressed myself hard to the shelf. I guess a little too hard, because one of the tubes which had blue liquid in it, fell to the ground and made a clattering sound. Gosh, I was so dead.

The hagons turned around, surveyed the place for a few moments and started waling towards the shelf. Hell, no way could I escape now. 

One of the hagons looked straight in my eye for a fraction of second that was enough for the lump in my throat to form. 

The hagons came closer and with every step of theirs my heart beat faster. Surprisingly, they just passed the shelf and kept walking, looking anywhere but the shelf and got out of the kitchen. While going out, the one that had looked me in the eyes lifted his chin a little and it looked like he was smelling something. But, he too went away and I sighed in relief. 

 A little while later, I was munching on a chocolate cookie with cold milk, sitting on the counter.

Behind me, an angry voice commanded, "Get off my counter RIGHT NOW!".

I jumped nearly a mile in the air and saw Mrs.Russo heading towards me with the two hagons following her closely. She looked extremely angry. But, what surprised me most was that her features were totally different from the elegant Mrs.Russo. She was in some other, non-human form. 


From here, the beginning of the actual story starts! I was waiting for this part from so long! Mrs.Russo's true colors start showing and another conspiracy is hatched! To know what happens next, just leave a comment, vote, fan!

Thanks =D


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