Part 5

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I looked from the door, then to Aarya's sleeping figure on the bed, and back again. This is what I called dilemma. I was just thinking of ensuring whether the door was closed and exactly at that moment someone comes knocking. Like what the hell?

As cautiously as I could, I asked,:Who is it?"

"Let me in", the all too familiar voice repeated.

"Not till you tell me who you are."

"FizzFire", came the reply and I quickly let him in, shutting the door again.

"What do you think you are doing at this time, silly? You gave me the creeps"

"I'm sorry, but I just thought that I should check if you guys were fine after witnessing THAT."

"Thank you, Fizz. Now if you mind, I'd like to sleep."

"Hey! I've come here out of concern, and because I care for you! You are the only lot that has been good to me. I thought why not return the favour?"

"Really, Fizz, it is no favour. I seriously am not in the mood to talk about stuff right now. I appreciate your concern though. Now please, Sleepworld calls me."

"Fine, I don't think you want to know more about Mrs.Russo.",he replied in an agitated tone. My eyes grew wide as he mentioned 'know more' and Mrs.Russo. Well, he was the only one I trusted even a tiny weeny bit in this mansion. Why not hear him for once? At the most, it would be lies. But who sai I believed him?

"Go for it", I replied, trying to hide the fact that I wasn't going to believe him.

"For all I know, you will not believe me....", he replied as if reading my thoughts,"...but let me tell you that you are what we hagons would call a desire for Mrs.Russo. As I said before, she needed an heir to protect her kingship, or rather, queenship(chuckle), from further downfall. And age no bar, a clever girl like you would be perfect, what with Aarya being your little personal assistant and all. But, Mrs.Russo isn't doing this for you to gain power and respect. Infact, it's the other way round. Shewants power and respect, through you. You are just a medium for her to get what she craves for. I would gladly help you escape, Courtney, but my life is precious to me. Although if anyone got to know I told you this, I'm already a dead man. But there's something good about you which attracts me to tell you things."

He stopped to look at my expression and found nothing but remorse there.

He continued,"If you were as wise as I rightfully think you are, you should plan your escape with Aarya. If not, you will stay here for the rest of your life helping someone else to gain cruel power and yourself loosing all the respect I have for you. Not like my opinions matter."

Okay, the last line gave me a sudden pang of guilt. Here he was, FizzFire, risking his life for mere us, who he dint even know, and here I was, thinking that I wouldn't believe him. Boy. am I believeing him now? I already was suspicious about this whole "Oh you are an orphan and I will help you by letting you stay in my Magic mansion where defense items grow instead of flowers". And now this desire, hagons, Eradication, etc. stuff that was creeping me out.

"Oh and one more thing", FizzFire replied, breaking my train of thoughts. "Be prepared to learn something you wouldn't want." And with that, he was gone like THAT. Yes, he disappeared into thin air. WITHOUT opening the damn door. 


Next morning, after getting dressed and everything, I didn't have time to wonder what FizzFire meant about the learning something you wouldn't want thing. Because, as soon as me and Aarya got up, we were given a message from a very cheerful FizzFire, that Mrs.Russo demanded we came down for our next lesson. What? Lesson? Yeah.

As usual, Aarya was the first one to scamper all the way down to where Mrs.Russo was seated in her grand throne. Mrs.Russo wore a red dress, a little above the knee, with black stockings. Honestly, her dressing sense was good and she looked elegant, if not pretty. I waited for her to say something to us. Which sweet would it be today, honey bunches, sweeties or candy pies?

"Hello, dear little ginger bunnies!", Mrs.Russo said with a slight smirk. Hah. So. Ginger bunnies. And then, without any warning, two robed hagons came in, holding by the ear, a crying FizzFire. Shit. Shit shit shit. Was he caught? Mannn!!

"So FizzFire must've already told you about your lesson today, eh?",asked Mrs.Russo. I pretended to play false.

Huh?", I asked, innocently."I have no clue what you are talking about, Mrs.Russo"

"Hey, yesterday while sleeping, I did think FizzFire was in our room but I had chucked it off by thinking it was a dream.", said Aarya. Damn her for being a big mouth! If she wasn't my 'little' sister, I wouldn't have gotten her with me when we first ran away from the orphanage. 

"Ah! That is why I love you, Aarya dear!", said a satisfied, sadist, Mrs.Russo. Then, turning to her other hagons, she said,"So who do I punish, FizzFire for being disloyal, Courtney for being a liar, or both?".

Her words made my stomach lurch. I made a mental note to myself that I'd NEVER talk to anyone with Aarya somewhere near. NEVER! I gave Aarya a very mean look.

"Please, please Mrs.Russo, do not punish any of them. I think I really was dreaming!", said Aarya, twinkling her eyes and stroking Mrs.Russo's arm. Okay, I abandon ALL thoughts of what I said earlier. Even if she wasn't my little sister, I was SO gonna take her with me if I ran away.

I don't know if Mrs.Russo was faking, but she said,"Fine I leave both of you today. This is your first and last warning. No lying, no disloyalty." FizzFire was lead to his chamber and I was made ready to learn my new lesson. 

First, they took me and Aarya out the door, and behind the mansion, where altogether, it was like a whole new world. Hagons, robed, everywhere and little tent-like rooms were scattered here and there giving it a military base camp look. Hanging on two trees was a big banner which said in bold letters,"Hagon Headquarters".

We crossed the HH and came upoen a flight of stairs that led underground. It was dark down there but lanterns hung everywhere, illuminating bright yellow light. It was more or less like an underground prison. That is when we came upon a huge, HUGE cage and what I saw inside made me gasp and cough. Aarya shrieked beside me, and Mrs.Russo gave a throaty, evil laugh.


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