Chapter 1- Platform 9 3/4

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Albus stood at the platform idly, trolley in front of him, his silver and white ferret scurrying curiously inside her cage, her tiny pink nose twitching. His siblings James and Lily were by his side, followed by their parents behind them waiting for the train to arrive and ignoring the stares from people. Something Albus was familiar with and while the rest of his family relished in the spotlight, Albus was still uncomfortable with people looking at him.

The shrill squeak of a train whistle jostled Albus out of his thoughts. The ebony black Hogwarts Express roared in, slow from age but still bright and merry as ever. It was the start of a new year at Hogwarts. His fifth year. Normally he was never thrilled to be back to school. But this year felt different. Exciting, even.

"Mum, do I have to wear these?" Lily complained, pointing at her new round glasses, identical to their father's. "I look ridiculous!"

"Don't be silly, I think they look lovely." Ginny said.

"And you look just like me." Harry pointed out.

"Oh yeah, that's what every teenage girl wants to hear: You look like your dad!" Lily rolled her eyes. "I can't show my face again."

"You're as dramatic as James." Ginny grumbled, causing James to yell out 'Oi!' in protest.

"Lily, we've been over this a hundred times. You need to be able to see." Harry said. "And those glasses were the perfect fit for you."

"I'll just brew an eyesight potion." She scoffed.

Albus hadn't been paying attention at all to his family spat, instead he was scanning the crowded area for a familiar silver blond head.

"Where is he? Do you think he's here?" He asked no one in particular, anxiety growing in his stomach. "He has to, right?"

"I doubt Mini Malfoy has missed a day of school in his entire life." James said, ruffling Albus' already messy hair. "Maybe he's already on the train."

"Shut up James." Albus muttered, which had become his go to phrase as of late. "Don't you have Head Boy bullshit to do?"

James grinned, facing Albus. The reflection of his Head Boy badge shined directly into his eye, causing Albus to yelp in annoyance. "You're right, Al. Thanks for reminding me. I'll be off then!"

"Not before you say goodbye!" Ginny reminded her oldest son. "It's your last year at Hogwarts." She fixed his auburn fringe so it was out of his eyes. "And your parents deserve a proper goodbye."

"Yeah yeah." James gave both parents a quick hug and a kiss on the cheek. He had to bend down to kiss Ginny, as he now towered over her. Something that Albus silently resented, seeing as he was still unbelievably short even at fifteen.

Lily left directly after James, her goodbye just as brief as his as she had spotted her best friends Pippa Ernst, Felix Boot and Holly Jordan.

Albus lingered behind, hesitant to leave his parents. He nibbled at his cracked lips.

Ginny seemed to have read his thoughts. "Remember if you need anything, we're just an owl away." She cupped his freckled cheeks.

"I know mum." Albus said.

"Or you can floo us if anyone decides to give you a hard time." Harry said, patting his son's shoulder.

"I'll be alright." He smiled. "I've got Scorpius. And Rose I guess."

Ginny nodded, giving him one last hug. "Be strong Albus. Try not to cause too much trouble, yeah?"

Albus laughed lightly. "No time traveling or sneaking off the train? Aw."

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