Chapter 3- shine as bright as day

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Albus was in deep sleep, comfortably curled up in his four poster bed, snoring softly. Tucked under his duvet, orange and peach pink sunlight peeked through the window and hit his freckled face. Rolling over to stop the blinding light from ruining his beauty sleep, he fell back asleep once more. His dreams were relaxing for once, swirling around his head thanks to his sleeping drought preventing nightmares. Most nights were restless, so he relished the extra sleep. It was Saturday morning, meaning he had plenty of time to sleep in for hours. It had been a nice sleep, that is, until he heard a voice from beyond his dreams, beckoning him to wake up.

"Albus!" Said a familiar sing song voice. "Al-bus~! Albus wake up! Please?"

Albus could only grunt lazily in response.

"Albus!" Scorpius tapped him a bit harder.

"Five more..." He grumbled, nodding off. "Years."

"No, no not five more years!" Scorpius tried to pull Albus forward. "Albus Severus Potter!"

"Can't hear you. I'm asleep." He feigned a loud snore.

"Come on, ugh, you're so heavy-oh goodness-" He accidentally pulled Albus' arm a bit too roughly. "Oops. Sorry."

Dazed and confused, dreams still clouded in his head, he shot upwards. "Wha-huh? Whuzzgoinon?"

"You're awake! Fantastic!" Scorpius cheered. "Oh, I'm sorry it's so early, it's just Quidditch tryouts today and you said you wanted to come watch. I'm so excited and slightly terrified. In fact, I was so nervous I nearly vomited when I woke up. I'm not sure what I would have vomited up though, since I haven't eaten yet. Is that too much information? Sorry. But I'm alright now! Mostly." He paused from his ramble to check on his sleepy friend. "Albus?"

Albus had fallen back asleep, he had fallen back on his pillow and was snoring even louder than before.

"Albus!" Scorpius exclaimed. "This is only one of the most important days of my life!"

Albus lurched forward (again) and banged his head on the board. "Fuck!" He hissed in both pain and annoyance as an ugly purple bruise blossomed. "Fuck, fuck, fuck! Merlin's saggy bollocks!"

Scorpius winced. "Sorry! Er...good morning?"

Albus grumbled about as he got dressed. So much for sleeping in and enjoying his Saturday. Already he was longing for his bed or at least a cup of coffee. At least he was supporting Scorpius, who seemed in a bright and chipper mood, despite it being an ungodly hour. They had time to grab some toast for breakfast. They trudged towards the Quidditch pitch, Albus mumbling about the dewy grass soaking his shoes and how it was still technically dark out. Not to mention, the Quidditch pitch brought back painful memories. Memories of a limp Craig Bowker, exactly where he stood.

"I'll be by the stands. Good luck mate." Albus said with a loud yawn, debating whether or not he should nap on the damp wooden stands.

Scorpius took a deep breath, approaching the group of students. Some were already dressed in the green Quidditch robes, looking exhausted. Save for one, a tall girl wearing a hijab who looked wide awake despite the early hour and determined. There seemed to be at least twenty students trying out this morning. There was no way he had a chance, even with his father helping him over the summer. His frame was too gawky, too awkward. There was a boy beside him who was small, but had broad, strong shoulders. Scorpius was a twig compared to him. A twig that could easily be snapped.

"Welcome!" She said, gesturing Scorpius over to join the students who were trying out. "Come on then, we're just about to start. I'm Casey, and I'm Slytherin's current Captain and one of the beaters."

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