Chapter 5- The Reveal

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TW: for some homophobia and overall nastiness


A blinding light shocked Albus as his eyes adjusted. He stumbled around, puzzled as the scene surrounded him. He was in a ballroom. A ballroom with marble floors and staircases and crystal chandeliers hanging above. It was all so familiar, and yet, made no sense at all. How did he get here? Last time he checked he was in the Slytherin dormitories with Scorpius. He couldn't have apparated. Whatever this place was, he felt uneasy.

The music shifted, from an upbeat tempo to a calming waltz. At first, the ballroom was empty, but when he blinked, in the center appeared a slender figure. Scorpius, his light blond hair on top of his head like a soft halo. He was wearing a handsome white dress robes and matching tie. He looked angelic, peaceful as he glided towards Albus. And also extremely pasty, due to him already being as pale as a ghost.

"Scorpius!" Albus exclaimed. "Thank Dumbledore you're here. Where are we? What is this place? It feels so strange. Like a memory, but I can't place it. Hang on...why am I speaking so poetically?"

Scorpius took Albus' hand. "Come dance with me." He said, eyes twinkling.

Albus didn't remember answering, but he joined Scorpius on the floor, dancing like professionals in one of those ballet performances he had seen as a child. Safe in Scorpius' arms, he leaned to rest his head on the taller boy. This felt...right. Comfortable.

"I miss you so much." He whispered. "Please forgive me for everything I've done."

"Oh I do." But that voice wasn't Scorpius. It was feminine and sharp. He raised his head, eyes meeting Avery's. Her icy eyes bore into his own. She placed one hand on his cheek. Her hand was cold, unwelcoming.

He was taken aback, moving away. "You're not Scorpius. Where is he?"

"Don't be silly, he's not here." Avery said. "Don't you see? This is how it's supposed to be, Albus."

" I want to dance with Scorpius!" Albus exclaimed frantically. But he couldn't move away. The more he struggled, the closer he came to her.

"No you don't." Avery lifted his chin, taunting him. "Boys are meant to dance with girls. That's how things are meant to be."

To his horror, the scene changed. Scorpius was embracing Rose, dancing instead with her. Rose was wearing a flowing, blue gown. Both looked happier than he had ever seen.

"Scorpius?" Albus said. "Scorpius, please, come back! I want to be with you!"

"He can't hear you." Avery mocked, digging her sharp nails into his shoulder. "He doesn't need you. You'll be much happier with me. I'll turn you normal. Don't you know? Being gay is wrong."

"NO!" Albus yelled, collapsing to his knees, helplessly watching Scorpius twirl Rose in the air. "I don't want this. I want to be with him. Scorpius I- care for him. I can't watch."

"But you should. Look, Alby." She moved his head forcibly towards the dancing duo.

"You're a much better dancer than Albus." Scorpius said, kissing Rose's temple. "I should have loved you from the very beginning."

"Scorpius, please!" Albus begged. "SCORPIUS!"

The dream shifted, laughter building up in his ears. The room spun around, faster and faster until it was a blur of colours and shapes.

He woke up with a start, gasping. The nightmare still clouded in his head, vivid and still terrifying. He looked down, sighing in relief. That's all it was. A silly dream. But at the same time, it was very real. His sheets and pajamas were drenched in his own sweat.

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