Chapter 6- Epilogue

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Several Years Later...

"And that," Albus finished, tucking in his daughters in their muggle race car beds. "Is how your papa and I discovered we loved each other."

"Awww..." Tori sat up, beaming. "That was the sweetest story on the entire planet!"

"Bleck! And the mushiest." Flora gagged. "There was too much kissing."

"I seem to recall there was a lot more kissing." Scorpius quipped from the doorway, cradling their infant son Leo in his arms.

"Papa!" Flora and Tori chimed.

"Scorpius, come here." He chuckled, as Scorpius took a seat on Tori's side. "Our dear Florabug seems less than pleased with my storytelling abilities." Albus ruffled his younger daughter's dark curls.

"Now I thought your daddy's story was extremely well done." Scorpius said.

"No, s' not that!" She protested. "I just think there was too much lovey dovey stuff. So maybe you can describe more of your fight with that meanie next time!"

"I'll keep that in mind." Albus kissed Scorpius' cheek, then tickled Leo's tummy.

"Dah." Leo mumbled, tugging at Albus' hair.

"Can you tell us about your wedding next, daddy?" Tori asked eagerly. "The one where Grandfather nearly got into a fight with Grandpa Harry over the decorations."

"Not tonight, Astoria." Albus said, kissing her temple. "It's bedtime, and tomorrow is a big day. We're going to Kings Cross to say goodbye to your cousins."

Both girls groaned.

"Don't you want to be well rested when you wish Jasmine and Henry good luck?" Scorpius asked.

"Ooh, I do!" Tori said. "I just don't want to sleep."

"I'm not even tired." Flora yawned loudly, already resting on her pillow, eyes fluttering closed.

"Me...neither..." Tori rubbed her eyes.

Albus and Scorpius shared an amused look, watching as their daughters started snoring softly. Even little Leo dozed off against Scorpius' chest.

"All the kids asleep that fast? Score one for parenting." Albus whispered. "Nox." His wand flickered off.

Scorpius yawned. "Indeed."

"You should sleep too." Albus said. "You had a long day, love." He took Leo in his arms. "I'll put the baby bear in his crib, don't you worry."

"Perhaps I should." He nodded sleepily. "Thanks, love."

"Merlin knows how hard you work. I'll join you in a bit. I'd like to finish this report on the endangered Moon Calves."

"You do that." He glanced back at their sleeping daughters, then kissed his husband. "Goodnight Al."

Albus grinned. "Night Scorp."

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