Chapter 4- Confessions

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Monday morning was not normally Scorpius' favorite thing. He enjoyed school to an extent, but waking up super early was not his idea of a good time. Luckily, both he and Albus had a free period directly after breakfast, which they decided to spend goofing off by the Great Lake. Spending time with Albus was always a bonus.

The sun was shimmering, beating down on the boys with its September heat. Especially with their jet black robes, it was unbearably hot.

"So, I'm thinking of a quick dip in the lake?" Albus suggested.

"Yes, please." Scorpius groaned, wiping sweat from his forehead. "Malfoys are not meant for extreme heat."

"Don't worry mate, it'll be Autumn soon and then you'll be complaining about how cold it is." Albus snorted, trudging towards the water bank. He admired the crystal clear water. Perfect for swimming.

"Malfoys aren't meant for extreme heat or extreme cold. It's just science."

"Oh sure. Science."

Scorpius rolled his eyes fondly. "Oh, by the way! Check this out." He pulled a sheet of parchment from his school bag. "Read it."

Albus glanced at the page. It was a poster advertising the LGBT club, depicting a pastel rainbow, followed by other coloured flags that he didn't recognize. Other corny images, such as people holding hands, stars and smiley faces were decorating the page. In neat, script printed on the top were the words:

Come to the LGBT+ club!

A safe space for queer and questioning students.

Where: Charms Classroom

When: Mondays and Thursdays at 7pm

Food will be provided.

"Lily and her friends helped." Scorpius said shyly. "What do you think?"

"It's nice, Scorp." Albus complimented genuinely. "Looks fantastic! And they're all over the school?"

"Yuh-huh." Scorpius glowed with pride. "Rose and I duplicated them. Some people have even approached me and said they'd come! I still can't believe it's today."

"It'll be great. I'm sure you'll have a fun time. " He huffed. "Now come on, I'm boiling so much, you could fry an egg on me!"

Albus tossed off his shoes and socks, then his robes in a chaotic heap while Scorpius tidily folded his robes in a neat pile. Scorpius chuckled at Albus' attempt to be 'tidy' with his belongings. The simple differences between the two was endearing.

"So, you think people will actually join?" Scorpius asked, watching carefully as Albus slowly unbuttoned his shirt.

"Sure. Why not?" Albus said, flung his shirt over his head carelessly. Unlike Scorpius, he wasn't wearing an undershirt underneath and it was just his bare chest.

"I ...erm."

Scorpius felt his heart race, trying his best not to stare at Albus' shirtless body. They had shared a dorm for four years now, but he hadn't properly admired how ...nice he looked. Hot was never a word he used in his vocabulary, but if he did, Albus definitely applied to it. He wasn't overly muscular, but his sun kissed skin was a sight to see, with his faint freckles dotting his chest. The moment he looked down at his freckled v line, the warmer he became and he felt a rush of excitement. He was so helplessly in love. And the way Albus stared at him back, was an indicator that perhaps he felt the same.

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