Chapter 2- The LGBT Club

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The following morning Albus was at the Slytherin table, ignoring everyone and everything since he hadn't yet had coffee. He started drinking it in his 3rd year, and now he was required to inhale it in order to function at school. He lifted his head slightly when he saw Scorpius arrive, holding two hot mugs. The bitter, familiar warm aroma wafted the air.

"One coffee for you." Scorpius said, sliding one mug over. "No sugar, extra cream. Extremely, inhumanly bitter." He slid the mug over, which Albus accepted gratefully.

"Like my soul. Thanks." He took a long sip, the rich drink burning his tongue. "Okay. Now I'm good." He exhaled.

Scorpius chuckled, taking a seat across from him. His coffee was the exact opposite of Albus'. Extra, extra sugar plus an enormous spoonful of cocoa powder. Albus would never understand Scorpius' weird sugar obsession.

He then tucked into his breakfast, buttered toast, eggs and bacon. Albus was never really hungry during breakfast, so he stuck with a 'bland bowl of porridge.

"Are you excited for classes?" Scorpius asked, mouthful of toast.

"Is that even a question? I'm positively ecstatic." Albus said dryly. "As long as I don't need a wand, I'll be good."

"But we both got new wands a few months ago." Scorpius pointed out. "And you've improved immensely."

Albus' new wand had been picked out shortly after his 'adventure' through time. Oak, 9 and a half inches, dragon heartstring, a relatively flexible wand. While his wand work had improved, at least in Charms, he was still no prodigy. Rudimentary spells still took a lot of extra studying for him. Thankfully Scorpius was eager to help, otherwise his O.W.Ls would be a disaster.

"Yeah, I guess." Albus decided to focus on his porridge. Scorpius sensed his discomfort, so he moved on.

"I'm mostly excited for Quidditch. Tryouts are this Saturday!" He exclaimed. "Maybe you could try out with me." He poked Albus' shoulder playfully.

Albus made a face. "No thanks. Quidditch is just another thing I can fail at. I'll watch you though."

Scorpius looked disappointed, but nodded. "Alright."

Lily soon joined their table, having already finished her breakfast. She had braided her flaming red hair into two plaits.

Albus raised an eyebrow. "Oh look Scorp, we've got a little lion on our table."

Lily scowled, placing one hand on her hip. "Not in public, Al, I have a reputation." referring to the embarrassing nickname.

"What reputation?" He teased.

She stole a piece of bacon from Scorpius' plate. "Watch it." She warned, then added. "I heard you losers are starting an LGBT+ club."

"Wh- no we aren't." Albus shot a glare at Scorpius. "You told everyone?"

"Only Lily!" Scorpius explained quickly, holding his hands up in surrender. "I thought it was a nice idea. And it is!"

"It is!" Lily agreed, nodding so vigorously that her glasses slipped down her nose.

"But we- I'm not going to be apart of-"

"Well I'm one hundred percent up for it. So are my friends." Lily said. "When's the first meeting?"

"We haven't decided yet. Rose and I, that is." Scorpius said. "We'll let you know as soon as possible."

Lily grinned, then left to rejoin her friend group.

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