Chapter Twenty-One

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Confused, Sharlene glanced behind her to see that Evelyn was fuming.
How she did not hear their screaming was unbeknownst to her, but a little voice whispered in her mind.
'It is because of Nicholas Ross.'
She blushed crimson red.

She remembered the way he had looked at her. It was so smoldering and enthralling. His stare felt as if he was seeing all of her. It felt intimate, but she had mainly blushed.

With deep black hair that reached the top of his ears and smoldering grey eyes that turned silver underneath the light, he was gorgeous. With high cheekbones, a fine and perfectly shaped nose, and kissable full lips, Nicholas Ross was the word handsome itself. But she had not allowed her eyes to wander lower than his strong neck because she was too shy.

Lost in her thought, Sharlene did not realize that her mother had dragged her through the door and down the hallway toward the elevator.

'Oh no, was she daydreaming?'
With her hands on her flaming checks, she wanted to bury her head in the ground.

Clarice raised an eyebrow at her odd action but only shook her head. Glancing at her mother stewing in her anger, she obediently followed her orders by pressing the last floor on the control pad.
"Who does she think she is...?"
Her words lost in colorful profanities, she impatiently tapped her foot. Clarice grew curious.

"Sounds to me like you two knew each for a long time. Care to spill the tea, Mom?"

Sending her signature icy glare in her direction, Helena huffed.
"Let's just say we are not seeing eye to eye at this specific moment."

Humming, Clarice planned to drill every bit of information from her mother when they reach home.

Once more, she glanced at Sharlene, who was awfully silent.

Like Helena, she was mumbling incoherent words. With a loud ting, the elevator made its presence known.

"Finally. I can no longer remain in this irritating building."
Mumbling, Helena had reached her limit. Shaking her head, Clarice was as eager as she was. The text from Travis issuing her presence pronto. However, before they could enter the elevator, they heard a shout.


Imagine their surprise when they saw Nicholas rushing down the hallway towards them. Helena frowned. Clarice hummed, and Sharlene? Well, she blushed.
That was because Nick's muscular hand had grabbed hers as soon as he arrived in front of them.

Gently, he held onto her wrist, causing her mother's and sister's footsteps to falter. Raising an eyebrow, Helena swiftly turned to face him.
"I have already stated my point with your mother, son. My daughter will not marry you."
She calmly spoke, her earlier anger an illusion.

It was a determined decision, Nicholas realized the stubborn woman in front of him had made, but he did not like it. Deep inside, as he became lost in Sharlene's green eyes, Nicholas felt not honor-bound but compelled towards the girl. The feelings were confusing but felt right.
He felt a spark of affection lit in his heart when he laid eyes on Sharlene. And it was not infatuation nor lust but a genuine interest in getting to know someone.
He wanted to know Sharlene Cunning-ham as a person. Her likes, dislikes, wants, and dreams. He felt a raging connection with her. Something he had never felt before.
He did not know why, but he was curious. Jumping into a relationship with Sharlene--the mother of his child did not sound bad. However, he couldn't deny it was daunting and a little scary, as it was unplanned, but he was willing to take a risk for the first time.

Clearing his throat, he spoke. It was more words than he ever did with his family or acquaintances, and it was impromptu but came from the heart.
"I understand how you feel, Mrs. Cunning-ham, but I promise taking responsibility for my unborn child will not be duty-bound. I will be honest with you. I will not immediately take a likening or fall in love with your daughter now but I promise to make our relationship work not only for the baby but for her as an individual. I will not do anything to make you, your family, or Sharlene feel inferior to our family. I will treat her with respect, kindness, and, if our feelings blossom to something more, with love."
His chest felt tight as he held his breath in anticipation. Never had Nicholas felt so nervous in his entire life, not even when he should have been.

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