Chapter Twenty-Four

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Today was another busy day in the office for Sharlene after her crazy life-changing weekend. Finishing up a few documents that her boss had dropped a few hours ago, she blew the hair falling onto her face with a loud sigh of relief. Stretching her aching fingers, she suddenly grimaced when her stomach loudly growled. Groaning, for this was the fifth time she was feeling hungry before mid-afternoon, Sharlene passed a hand through her hair.

Being pregnant was something new she had to accommodate with even if she liked it or not.

A soft knock on her office door captured her attention. Lifting her head from the papers on the desk, she smiled when she saw it was Rita.

"Hey, there. Ready to leave for lunch?"

"I thought you'd never ask."

Her smile broadened as she shot out of her seat. Quickly, she began to tidy her desk.

Laughing, Rita walked into the room to help her. Two minutes later, they were making their way down to the last floor where the company cafe, restaurant, and canteen were situated.

"Where should we eat today?"

Rita inquired, her hands touching her small baby bump.

"Is the baby extra hungry today?"

"You can say that."

Sheepishly, Rita blushed.

"Then we will try out the restaurant. I heard it has the most delicious burrito."

Stars erupted in Rita's eyes, for burrito was she as well as her baby's favorite.

"Then it shall be that."

Nodding, Sharlene gently pulled her friend towards the restaurant. Twenty minutes later, their plate was empty, and they were sipping on their spring water.

"That was delicious."

Moaned Rita while passing her hands down her abdomen.

"I agree with you on that."

Sharlene hastily agreed.

"So, how is life so far? By the way, I completely forgot to apologize for not texting or calling you these pasts days. It was hectic. You know, Yvonne being a worry-wot."

Rita spoke with flustered cheeks and an eye-roll.

"Oh, it is okay, Riri. My days were pretty hectic as well."

With curiously raised eyebrows, Rita wanted to hear more.

"Why? What happened?"

"It is a long story."

Sighing, as she placed the straw back into her mouth to take another sip of her water, Sharlene was unsure how to start.

Glancing down at her watch, Rita inputted.

"We have twenty more minutes to spare, so I am willing to hear this story."

Nodding, she pushed the glass further in the middle of the table.

"Okay. I will give you the abbreviated version then."

Closing, then opening her eyes, she muttered.

"Please do not freak-out okay?"

Slowly nodding, Rita was confused but eager to hear.

"First of all, I am pregnant."

Watching her eyes opening, then her mouth, Sharlene winced from the loud shout filled with shock and surprise from Rita's mouth.


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