Chapter One Hundred and Three

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Watching the fire crackling, Nick got lost in his thoughts. He was now sitting on one of the blankets a safe distance from the bonfire, where everyone else had found themselves after filling their stomachs. Hearing the laughing of Riana, who was watching the dancing show Sharlene and Rita had put on twenty minutes later, he sighed.

No, not from boredom, but the fact that he had never given himself time off to enjoy events such as this. The warmth of the fire was soothing, the billion twinkling stars in the sky calming. Placing his hands behind him, he leaned back in other to tilt his head to view the glittering sky.

Again, he sighed, but this time, because he felt thrilled. That was the first time he had given himself time off work, his mind free from coming up with different diagnostics and solutions to problems or situations in his line of work.

The weight of the upcoming event was lifted off his shoulders and left for another day. It was shocking to discover that he had dedicated most, if not, all of his time to work.

"Sometimes, we need time off to reorganize our thoughts and life."

His mother's words came back to mind. It was that she said before leaving for his aunt's wedding two weeks ago. And he readily agreed with her because he felt stress-free and relaxed now.

Closing his eyes, he took a deep breath of the fresh air. He was glad he had attended the wedding with Riana.

Suddenly, his moment was interrupted because of the gentle tap on his left shoulder. Opening his eyes, he turned his head to seek the person who had touched him. It was Yvonne.

With a sheepish smile, he retracted his hand.

"I'm sorry for disturbing you."

Sitting back upright, Nick shook his head.

"No, no, you did not."

He fervently denied while brushing his hands together to get rid of the slight dirt that had found itself there.

Seeing him breathing a sigh of relief, Nick inwardly smiled, for he was not intimidated by his presence like in the beginning. It was reassuring.

"That's great. I hope you are enjoying yourself and you are comfortable with camping. We did not exactly think of other people coming because we planned it as a family setting. Oh, no, that came out wrong. What I am trying to say is, Rita and I appreciated you and your sister's attendance. You both are practically family since you are going to marry my best friend anyway. What I want to say is..."

As he spoke, Yvonne wildly gestured his hands in the air, his appreciative words turning into a ramble, for he did not want his words to sound offensive. Nick was astonished, and he felt valued. Smiling, he spoke with honesty and benevolence, cutting off Yvonne's words, to which he was thankful.

"I understand. You do not have to say more. Everything is great. And to tell you the truth, this is my first time camping."

Yvonne's eyebrows reached his hairline.

"Really? You have never camped before?"

Chuckling, for Yvonne's expression was hilarious, Nick nodded. He made the matter seem as if Nick had missed out on the most exhilarating point in his life.

"That cannot be."

Muttering, Yvonne averted his eyes. Raising an eyebrow, Nick was curious and so followed his line of sight. He was looking in the direction of still dancing and giggling Sharlene and Rita in front of them.


He suddenly called over the music. Giving Nick the bottle of beer that he had planned to do in the first place, he excused himself before marching towards dancing Sharlene, who did not hear him. Confused with the sudden turn of events, Nick glanced at the beer before returning his eyes onto Sharlene, who had eventually stopped dancing with Rita and turning to look at nearing Yvonne.

The Unexpected Bride-Book One in Taming of the ShrewWhere stories live. Discover now