Chapter Forty-Seven

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The slight clanking of glasses and the soft trickle of water flowing from the pipe enveloped the room. Standing with her favorite apron tied around her person, Helena was engrossed in washing up the dishes after preparing lunch. Tapping her foot to the soft tunes coming from a small television attached to the wall, she was creating plans for her late afternoon in her head.

After washing up, she would move towards her room to enjoy a thrilling nap. In the evening, she would go to the living room. There she would kick AJ out since he was always there.

She would then sit back and relax while watching a few disinteresting television shows on Netflix. Maybe she would resume her napping in that area for the rest of the evening.

Sighing heavily, when she realized her afternoon and evening was going to be boring, that is, until Sharlene arrived home, Helena swiftly began to dry the rinsed plates.

"One, two, three, four, five."

She counted them as she placed them in the cupboard above her head. Sighing once more, she leaned against the counter and gazed out the window. So deep in thought, she hadn't heard AJ had entered into the kitchen with a small whistle, his mind only on fetching something in the fridge. Pulling the silver door open, he began his search and was eager to find the object of his attention.

The loud shuffling sound and his loud muttering drew her full attention.

"Where is it? I swear this is where it was last night. I hope she did not eat it all."

Blinking thrice, for she had spaced out far longer than appreciated, she glanced behind her to find the slouched AJ rampaging through the compartments below in search of something.

"Where is what?"

Glancing up from his search, AJ whined.

"The small container of chocolates Rita had brought last week."

"Ah, that."

Helena hummed as she recalled the time Rita had came over the last time. She had spent the weekend after she had tasted her homemade food that had brought tears to her eyes. Shaking her head at the silly girl theatrics, she inquisitively asked.

"And you are searching for this because?"

Looking at his mother with the are-you-kidding me look, AJ muttered while an embarrassed blush appeared on his face.

"Because it is special."

He hurriedly returned to searching through the fridge as if the container would magically appear. He also wanted to hide his blushing face from his mother.

Frowning, for she found his statement odd, Helena scoffed.

"What is so special about dark and tasteless chocolate?"

"It just is!"

Unimpressingly humming, Helena pursed her lips for whatever he was searching for; she was not sorry to tell him it was all gobbled up.

"The container of chocolates that you are so eagerly searching for has already been eaten."

Frowning as he slowly pulled his face from inside the fridge, AJ was not pleased to hear that.

"What? I had a feeling she would. I was looking forward to eating that."

Grumbling, he closed the door with a soft bang.

Returning to do the finishing touch of wiping the water from on top of the sink, Helena turned around to face him after becoming satisfied with her work.

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