Chapter One Hundred and Twenty-Six

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The buzzing of an alarm went off early morning the next day, the phone sitting on the nightstand threatening to fall from the ground.

Groaning, Sharlene groggily brushed her hand in the air as if to bat a fly from her ears. The bed sheet that was barely covering her body eventually slid to the ground during her frolicking, and it made her tired self even more agitated.

"Someone shut it off."

She sleepily groaned, not bothering to open her eyes because sleep was still crunching at the door.

And yet, despite her annoyance, the buzzing sound was far from over. In her sleep clogged ears, the ringing seemed to increase.

Muttering incoherent words, she removed her pillow underneath her head and placed it around her ears and face.

It had not drowned out the sound, but it was bearable. Smacking her lips to lubricate her mouth, she soon relaxed and welcomed her lost sleep with open arms.

Soon, the sound had ceased, and silence enveloped the room.

'Ah, yes, this is more like it.'

She thought with content in her head and a smile on her face as she sank deeper into drowsiness, but as if the alarm had read her thoughts, it began to ring five minutes later, and she could no longer fall back asleep.

Opening her eyes, she groaned and whined.

"Why do I have to wake so early in the morning? Saturdays and Sundays are my sleep-in days."

Pushing the pillow off her head, she sat upright, her hands flying towards the nightstand in search of the annoying device.

"Silence, you fool."

Tapping the quit alarm button, she muttered a few more words before returning the phone on the surface and sinking back into bed.

"Now to get back my lost sleep."

Hugging the pillow from the empty side of the bed, she closed her eyes. However, Sharlene did not find the blissful sleep she once sought. The alarm had abruptly woken her up, and as someone who does not sleep a wink in the day, she was helpless.

Her eyebrows creased with that reality, and she again glared at her phone on the nightstand.

Turning to lie on her back, she sighed. What else could she do but get up and embrace the new day?

Discarding the pillow she had previously hugged, she sat up. Glancing around the room, she realized her mother had woken up much earlier than her.

Stretching her arms, she gave an unladylike yawn that threatened to take over her entire face.

Threading her fingers through her untidy locks, she swung her legs towards the edge of the bed and stood up. Her stomach also gave a loud boiling sound during her action. Rubbing her belly, she laughed.

"I guess I am not the only one who is hungry. I wonder what mom made for breakfast."

She murmured after producing another yawn.

Suddenly, Sharlene brightened when she remembered the chocolate bar she had bought yesterday and sneaked into the pantry without her mother knowing. She gave an evil laugh just thinking about it.

Sinking her feet in her bunny slippers, she walked out of the room in search of the bathroom with gusto to brush her teeth and wash her face.

Looking at herself in the mirror, as she wiped the remaining droplets of water from her hands, she grimaced for the nest called hair on her head looked impossible to tame.

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