Chapter Forty-Three

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"You are not listening to me because you did not experience his attitude first hand!"

They both jumped out of their skins.

"That daft man thinks he is on top of the world."

She barked while breathing as if out of breath.

Sharlene wondered how much she had said in just so little time. And she had never seen Madam Sinclair so out of her element. So human.

She almost smiled at that thought, but the woman sent her a glare as if she could read her mind.

She quickly cleared her throat.

Mr. Thomas had rustled her prideful and arrogant feathers a bit more than intended.

"Of course, we have, Madam Sinclair. Shar and I both. Did you not see the way he addressed us when we entered five minutes earlier than the meeting time?"

"Now that you mentioned it, he did. Well, good luck trying to work with that bas..."

Earning a raised eyebrow from Rita, Madam Sinclair brushed her unsaid comment into the air with her hands.

"Oh, whatever. Let us go to the office before I get another scolding message."

Frowning, Sharlene curiously voiced.

"Is Mr. Thomas keeping tabs on you, Madam Sinclair?"

Pursing her lips, she huffed.

"As if I'll allow some skinny, handsome, and over-educated control freak to manage me. Anyway, did I not mention going to the office? Let us get going. We have to report our know what, never mind."

Huffing lower, Madam Sinclair matched towards the door as confidently as she could in her tiny heels.

As she said those words, a blush had appeared on her cheeks. Rita and Sharlene shared a knowing glance with a wry smile as they quickly followed behind her.

There was always a thin line between hate and love or, in the case of Madam Sinclair, irritation and attraction.


"I thought I was going to die. It was painful."

Groaning four afternoons later with her head against the table, Rita looked like a dried fish, as if she did not have enough sleep for the past week.

Sipping on her chocolate smoothie, something she had gotten completely addicted to days prior, Sharlene was as calm as a cucumber, but inside she was boiling to the seams.

"How? But it has only been a week?"

It was Janice who had asked this innocent question after she had swallowed her soothing ice cream.

"A week in hell."

Crying, Rita lifted her head from the table to take a sip of her apple and grape smoothie.

"How is that even possible?"

She murmured while contemplating on the thought. Such a precious and kind girl did not know how much Sharlene and Rita had to endure between two polar opposite 'perfectionists' for the week.

"What a pain."

Sharlene sighed after removing the straw from her mouth.

"A pain indeed."

Rita audibly agreed with a nod.

"Care to explain?"

Janice inquisitively asked while placing another spoon of ice cream into her mouth. The calm breeze blowing between them made her relaxed and carefree, while her eyes looked between the girls with raised eyebrows. It was a sunny Saturday, and as the girls had promised each other, they had met to enjoy the entire day with each other.

The Unexpected Bride-Book One in Taming of the ShrewWhere stories live. Discover now