Chapter One Hundred and Five

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"Oh my gracious me! You look hot and spicy!"

Rita exclaimed forty minutes later after inspecting the success she had just performed on her best friend. With her black hair curled to perfection on top of her head and falling gracefully on her shoulders, Sharlene looked exceptionally gorgeous. Her flustered cheeks, enhancing the look. Her green eyes were popping from the nude eyeshadow and massacre that Rita used. Her tan skin was glowing from the shower gel and soap that Janice had gifted them a few days ago. She was not only smelling sweet but looking sweet.

The earrings and necklace adorning her ears and neck brought another ethereal glow to her blooming person. Hugging her soft curves was a light pink colored dress decorated with beads and tiny diamonds, the fabric made of satin and lace. It was soft to the touch, and she had fallen in love with it at first sight.

It was also not the first option.

Sharlene had tried on more than five dresses and shoes with Rita's vigilant instruction that was pure torture. They were in no way less beautiful than the current one, but as Rita said, they did not blend perfectly well with her skin tone or her makeup.

In the end, Sharlene had given up all hope and was about to choose the first choice until Rita had discovered the dress hidden behind the couch.

She was glad because it was not only comfortable but made her look elegant and sophisticated.

"I bet Nick will not be able to speak for a whole minute when he sees you later."

Rita teased, her arms folded on top of her chest.

"You think so?"

Sharlene distractively asked while looking at the beautiful woman gazing at her from the mirror.

"Yes. And I bet that near kiss from yesterday will resume tonight because of it."

Scoffing, Sharlene sent Rita an are-you-for-real look.

"Don't give me that look. Don't you see yourself? You look like those models who are on the front of those fancy magazine cover pages. If I did not know who you were and where you came from, and I saw you walking down the street garbed in this outfit and spotting that gorgeous face, I would have deduced in my mind that you are some supermodel or actress. Or even the heiress of some rich and famous family."

"Ha, ha. Your flattery knows no bounds, Riri."

Sharlene brushed her comments aside with those dismissal words. She then moved away from the full-body mirror, which her mother had decided to leave in her room after making sure she was presentable. Grabbing her purse from on top of the cupboard next to it, she searched the contents, making sure everything she needed was there before moving towards the edge of the bed to sit down.

She bent and lifted the strapless heels from the floor, which Rita had chosen from the other six pairs.

"But it is true. When you looked at yourself in the mirror, what did you see?"

Rita pressed while sitting in the empty spot next to her.

"I saw the reflection I have seen for the past twenty-three years."

Sharlene answered in a matter-of-fact tone. She was unable to understand the point Rita was trying to make.

"Argh. Why are you so stubborn sometimes?"

Groaning, for she was at a loss after Sharlene's response, Rita gave up in the end.

"You are a lost cause."

She mumbled while standing and moving to tidy the makeup kit.

Laughing, Sharlene stood with the shoes fitted on her tiny feet.

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