Chapter 11

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I storm into the class with my back pack on, not really caring if I get in trouble or not. My heart is hurting, my head is throbbing, and I feel the uttermost angry towards Becky. 

"Delia, you know the rule, no backpacks." The teacher says at me. 

"I don't fucking care," I say angrily. 

"Go put it in your locker now, miss."

"If I leave this room, I'm not coming back." I threaten her. This shuts her up and she leaves me alone for the rest of the day. In my next class, Amelia's old friends glare at me and Becky is loving every minute of it. I sit in the back with the troublesome boys sense for the time being. Third hour is no better. But I do decide I'm going to confront Becky once and for all, I don't care if the whole world sees. I'm done.

I see Nathan and I hand him my bag and rush to find Becky in the crowded cafeteria. Nathan is shocked and sets down our bags and rushes after me. I find Becky and spin her around to face me, all my power into not hitting her right now. 

"Oh lookie here, the cheater everyone." She laughs at me.

"I can't believe you did this to me you bitch." I huff at her.

"Hey, I'm not the bitch here, you're the one who cheated on Amelia," She tells me with a glimpse in her eyes.

"I didn't cheat and you know it. You did this to me. You're jealous of our relationship with her. You want her all to yourself!" I yell at her. This turns heads and everyone is looking at us, even Amelia. 

"Hey, I want what's best for her and it's clearly not you." She glares at me. "And so what if I did? I have proof right here."

"All you're showing is how good you are at fucking up people's life's." I'm about to cry. "You just fucked up my whole life, you know that. She made me happy and you fucking ruined it. Thank you so much!" And with that I slapped her right in the face and run out of the room. Rose and Jackie see me do this and try to follow me but Nathan stops them. 

"You had your chance to listen to her but you didn't, let me handle this." He exclaims at them and follows me outside. 

I run around the back of the school and scream. I cry and just overall have a meltdown. There's so much anger in my blood that I take it out on the brick wall in front of me. I punch my hands and knuckles into it, causing them to bleed. Nathan finds me and pulls me away as I cry for him to let me go. He grabs me and holds on to me for dear life, and at last I stop fighting him. I'm a crying mess and he leads me inside once I calm down. 

"C'mon, Delia. Let's go to the school nurse to fix these up." He leads me to the nurse but I refuse to go.

"Just let me bleed out," 

"Delia, no. I will carry you there if I have to." I crumble and follow him into the nurse's office. She cleans up my cuts and wraps both hands in gauze to stop the bleeding. She tells me and Nathan to come back after the last bell. We leave the room and go grab our bags and head to our classes. 

"You can put your stuff in my locker if you want?" He tells me and I nod. In art class, I sit at the front table and I can sense their eyes on me. I sit my head down and feel someone sit next to me. It's Jackie. I get up and leave the room to sit in the hallway outside the classroom. I sit out there for the rest of the hour and go to my next class but grab my stuff out of the locker and take it to my next class. The class final ends and Nathan meets me outside the class. He puts his arm me and we walk right past my "friends". I know they want to talk to me but I don't feel like talking to anyone right now. Nathan guides me to his friend group and introduces me to them. 

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