Chapter 2

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It's in the evening when I finally add Amelia. She accepts it almost instantly. 

Amelia: About time  😂

Me: Yeah, sorry about that. I was doing some homework.

Amelia: All's good, Delia.

My heart is racing. Why did I just get butterflies when she said my name? God, I'm falling harder than I should. 

Me: I'm sorry I was staring at you earlier. I didn't mean to seem creepy.

Amelia: Don't apologize, I think it's cute. Becky was the one who was annoyed. She told me about your guys encounter earlier, I'm sorry she's so rude to you.

Me: It's okay. 

'She thinks I'm cute, she thinks I'm cute!' 

We talk a little bit more and about our weekend plans. She's hanging out with a couple of buddies and I'm, well not.

Amelia: Hey, why don't you hang out with us tomorrow? They won't mind.

Me: Are you sure? I don't wanna intrude on anything.

Amelia: Yes, I'm sure.

Me: Okay. I'll ask my parents. BRB.

I head out of my room and down the hall to my parents room. Their door is closed but I just open it like usual.

"Hey, mom and da-" I stop. My mom is not in here with my dad but with some random dude. 

"Honey... It's not what you think-" My mom starts.

"I just wanted to say that I'm hanging out with my friends tomorrow." I say and slam the door behind me. I'm blinking back tears when I get back to my room and quickly text Amelia that I can come and she says to meet her down at the Marina around noon. I text my friends and tell them the exciting news. They're happy for me and tell me to text them if anything happens. I tell them goodnight and go to bed, thinking about tomorrow and what my mom just did. 'She's cheating' I think, 'I thought she loved my dad.' With that thought, I go to sleep.

I finally wake up the next morning with the sun peaking through my window. I check the clock, 10 am.  2 hours until my meet up with Amelia. 'I best look good' I tell myself. I throw on some of my best pair of blue jeans and my favorite hoodie. I also grab some money incase we want to get a snack or something, along with my phone. I'm about to go out my room when there's a knock on my door. My mom comes in.

"I want to talk about last night. You can't tell your father." She says.

"I can't tell my OWN FATHER that you were sleeping with someone else. Why? You ashamed of yourself?" I spit out at her.

"Delia May, don't talk to me like that." She says shocked at my tone. "I will tell him soon."

"Sure you will. I just can't believe it. My mom is a cheater." And with that I storm out of the room and down the stairs to leave my mom shocked. I'll deal with that later. I go into the bathroom to put on some mascara and a necklace. I hear my mom come down the stairs and into the kitchen. 

"I'm sorry, mom. I didnt mean to snap at you. I'm just shocked." I say into the kitchen so she knows I'm not mad at her but I still am. I go into the living room and go on my phone for till a quarter to 12. 

"Mom, I'm leaving." I shout to her.


I head out back to our shed to grab my bike. The bike ride to the marina takes about ten minutes so I'll be there just in time. When I get there I chain my bike to the bike area and walk over to the tables they have. It's only noon but theres a lot of children playing on the playground in front of me. I use to come here almost everyday with my dad, it was so much fun.

"Hi, Delia!" I hear someone shout at me. I turn around and its Amelia. 

"Hi!" She comes over with her friends, Becky being on of them. The other ones include Bella, Emma, and Josie. 

"You look nice today, Delia." Amelia says. This makes me blush but I hide it. 'Why. Does. She. Make. Me. Blush. So. Easily.' I think to myself. 

"Thank you. You guys look nice too." They all say thank you, well except Becky. 

"What are we doing?" I ask.

"We could head over to my house, it's like 15 minute walk away." Becky says.

"That sounds good. You cool with that Delia?" Amelia asks me.

"Yeah, yeah. I just need to grab my bike."

We all walk over to my bike and we're off. Bella, Emma, Becky, and Josie are in the front with me and Amelia in the back. About 15 minutes later, we're at Becky's house. I park my bike out front and we head inside. Her house is very nice, modern to say the least. 

"Anyone hungry?" Becky asks. We all nod our heads no and head to her room. 

Her room was simplistic. It looked like the stereotypical teenage girl room. She had fairy lights, vanity, white and light colored everything. She also a white shaggy rug and comfy chair. 

"What should we do?" Bella asks. 

"Lets play truth or dare!" Emma exclaims. Everyone nods in agreement, well not me. But they're not paying attention to me. We all sit in a circle in the middle of the room. To see who goes we take a bottle and spin it. The person it lands on answers with a truth or dare and must do it. 

Josie spins the bottle first and it lands on Bella. Bella picked truth and she had to say the rudest thing she's done. The next person it land on was Becky, she chose dare. The dare was to take a shot of hot sauce and she did it without complant. The next person was Amelia.

"I pick dare," Amelia says confidently.

"Okay, I want you to kiss the prettiest girl in the room." We all look at her. "What? It's no big deal." She says and smirks.

"Okay, bet." Amelia says.

She looks around the room at everyone. I look down because I'm definitely not the prettiest in the room. If I'm being honest, it's Becky. That's who she's gonna kiss, probably because they have history. I look up and that's when Amelia grabs my chin and kisses me. 

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