Chapter 18

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It's Saturday now, I've been here for exactly five days and I've finally came around a little bit; meaning I'm not much of a bitch anymore. I've also started to eat some of their meals now and am friends with some people here. 

"Are like visitors aloud to come see us?" I ask Claire in our room one day. 

"Yeah, really anytime of the day except after 5 or if we're in therapy." 

"That's so cool." I say in awe, and finish painting on my wall. The door to our room opens and Dex comes in. We both wave at him and he comes over to me. 

"You got a visitor, Delia," He tells me and I smile. "Follow me this way."

I follow him down to the activity room where I see Amelia sitting. She notices me and runs at full speed towards me. I hug her back as tight as I can and never want to let go. 

"I'll be back for dinner," Dex announces and leaves the room.

"I've missed you so much, Amelia." I say as I'm still hugging her. 

"I've missed you too," She let's go and looks at me. "You look so much better!" 

"Well, I'm trying to say the least. Where is everyone else?" I guide her over to the table and chairs in the room. 

"Uh, they wouldn't allow more than one visitor at a time." She says. She sits next to me and I grab her hand and play with it. 

"Oh, that's to bad, I miss them as well." I look at her, she seems to be wanting to say something she needs to say. "Are you okay?" I look at her concerned. 

"Yeah, I'm fine. Tell me about what you do here." She looks longingly at me.

I go into a full detail explanation of what I've done here for the past few days, from what I did on my first day to the paintings I have in my room. I also tell her about the people I've met and how they've helped get better.

"That's great, Delia." She smiles at me, when Dex comes into the room.

"It's time for you to go, Amelia." He tells her. 

"Bye, Amelia. I love you," I call and I mean it. She just waves and leaves the room. 

"Hey, Dex, am I getting better, per say," I ask him on our way to the cafeteria.

"You have certainly improved from the first time you came here," He says and that's all he says.

"Good, cause I can't wait to see my friends again." I head over to the table with Claire and friends. 

"Who came and visited you?" Ruth asks me as I sit down.

"My girlfriendddddd," I sigh.

"Oooooooooo," They all gasp.

"Oh shush up guys," I laugh, "She was acting really weird though, like she wanted to tell me something but didn't. It was weird." 

"I hope she didn't hide nothing from you, you're a nice person." Charlie exclaims as she eats. "Not to mention really pretty." 

"Thank you, and yeah I hope so too. I guess I'll find out when I get out of here. Do yall wanna meet in the activity room later?" I ask them. 

"Yeah, sure," Billie announces.

"I'm down," Ruth and Charlie say.

"Chill, I'll meet you there in a minute." I get up and go back to my room to grab some paper and a pencil. I wanted to give them my number and address so when they get out they can write or call me. I tell them my plan and they all agree to it. 

"It's just so we can all stay in contact, and hopefully meet up some time," I explain and they all nod their heads in agreement. 

I'm in our room later that night, staring at a picture Amelia gave me before she left. It's all of them, wishing for me to come back sooner. I'm looking at it closer and I notice Amelia with her arm around Becky's waist. I stare at it, hoping its just a joke and that I'm seeing things. 

"No, no, no..." I start saying over and over again, "NO! She can't do this to me!" 

Claire rushes over to me. "Delia, what's wrong? Tell me, tell me." 

I show her the picture and start knocking things over in frustration. Claire is staring at the picture, trying to make sense of it. "Delia, I think you're overreacting. Maybe its just a friendly thing."

"You don't understand, that girl, she's the reason I'm in here. She's ruining my life and now she's doing it again." 

"Hey, look at me." She grabs me and we lock eyes, "She isn't cheating on you, okay? From what I heard about her, she's not the type." 

"You're right. Thank you!" I hug her and thank her again for setting me straight. 

~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ 3 days later~~~~~~~~~~~~~

"Bye everyone!" I shout towards my friends that I made. They all shout back and wave. I see my dad and I run towards him and hug him. 

"You look happy!" He says and spins me around, "And you got out early!" 

"I know! Do my buds know?" I exclaim as I let go and he grabs my stuff. 

"Nope, I'm gonna let you surprise them at school," He announces to me. 

"Awesome! Let's go home. Did they miss me?" 

"Oh yeah, the guys that you're friends with hung out with me a couple of times and everything."

"Oh my goodness, you didn't embarrass me, did you?" I question as we get into the car. 

"That's for me to know and you to ask them," My dad jokes.

It's later that evening and I decide to shower, free from people staring at me. It's just nice to be home in my opinion, I can do what I want, when I want. I put on my favorite pair of pajamas and tell my dad goodnight. I can happily sleep in my bed tonight. 

The next morning I decide to wear a long sleeve shirt and my nicer pair of jeans. I head downstairs and brush my hair; I also put on some mascara and lip gloss. I make sure I have all my stuff in my bag, my phone, and ear buds. 

"I'm taking you to school today," My dad announces. 

"Oooo, yay!" I exclaim and put on my shoes, "Let's go!"

I'm walking into school and the teachers nod their heads at me in a greeting. I made sure to get to school a little later so everyone is there before me. I head into the cafeteria to see them all sitting at the table, joking around. Nathan looks up and notices me, I wave shyly. 

"Guys! She's back!" He announces and all his buds run to me and nearly knock me over. 

"Did you miss me?" I laugh and they pull away. 

"You weren't suppose to come back till Friday," Tommy says. 

"Yeah, well, I did good and they let me go early." I explain, "Where's Amelia?" I ask as we walk back to the table. Everyone shares a worried glance between each other. 

"I can't believe she didn't tell her," Josh mutters to Rose and she nods. 

"What?" I ask, innocently. Just then I look over to see something I didn't want to see.

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