Chapter 20~ Special Update

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We reached 2.6k reads guys!!! 🎉🎉🎉🎉🎉 I looked through my story's and saw this, made my day today actually. I just wanted to thank everyone who has read this story, commented, and voted. I do read your comments, I don't always respond but I do read them. I love you all for everything, and just because I love you I'm giving you all chapter 20 early. Just as FYI there will be WILL be smut, so if you don't like that or chose not to read, you can skip this chapter and wait till the next one. Anyway let's commence with the story! Also it's back to Andy's POV.

I was so ecstatic when Ashley signed the papers for school. We were official out, no more kids staring, no more bullying, no more anything! As soon as As soon as we walked out of the gates of hell, I pulled Ash into a long passionate kiss. I didn't give a fuck who saw, or who judged us, all I knew was I was the happiest man on the planet. I know that's a little far fetched, but the way I had been feeling for the pasts couple months I had every right to say that. My body willed me to scream at the top of my lungs, to yell at everyone who hurt us to go fuck themselves because we're here and there still in there; but I didn't. They would have thought someone was killing a person out there, the last thing I wanted was us getting the cops called on. We were free, everything that I was scared of was now lifted off my shoulders.

"What should we do now?" Ashley asked just as we buckled up.

"I don't know, and I really don't care. As long as it's with you, then whatever we do it perfect." My blue eyes met his brown ones, a huge smiles plastered on his face. You could tell he was happy because I was happy. Moments like these we're what I lived for, the ones where we just stared into each other's eyes, not speaking a single word. We didn't have to say anything to know what the other one was thinking. It was some sort of couple bond we had acquired. The whole thing was hard to understand for me, but if you have someone you love and you do this with them then you would understand what I was saying.

"I say we go celebrate with a trip to the mall." He said, starting the engine and driving off.

"Sound wonderful." I leaned over the arm rest, placing a small kiss on his cheek. I saw his cheek blushes a light pink color when I pulled back. He could be so adorable sometimes, it just made my heart flutter. I turned up the radio, hearing some rap song that I very much didn't like. I pushed a few buttons till one of my favorite rock stations flooded through the speakers. I leaned back into my ear, tapping my foot to one of the AC/DC songs on their new record.

It didn't take long to get to the mall, we were there in under 20 minutes. There were a few group of teens who skipped school, but most adults roamed the abandon halls. Ashley and I climbed the first flight of steps to get up to the hot topic. It was a ghost town in there, only the workers sitting around bored, others restocking shelves. Ashley had pulled me into the store, not like I was going to resist, and over towards to band t-shirts.

"One day." He stared, pulling me close to his side. "Our faces are going to on a shirt hanging on that wall."

"I love your hopes a dreams baby." I smiles softly, leaning down to kisses him softly.

"Not my hopes and dreams love, our future is what I'm talking about."

"Then I can't wait till it comes true."

We bought a few band related shirts, a couple bracelets, and a few other things before getting back in the car and heading home. We shared short conversation, nothing really interesting was said between the both of us. I didn't protest the silence, I invited it in. Just having a moment to reflect of things that happen is always good, it keeps me at ease. The car was pulled into the driveway, Ashley looking at my body while biting his bottom lip. I didn't fully understand what he was getting at, but as soon as I saw his eyes cloud over with lust I knew exactly what he wanted. More importantly he wanted me. I knew I was ready to take this step with him, I was just nervous I wouldn't please him like he thought. I was still only a virgin, and losing that was something big for me. I guess now it wasn't such a big deal since I was losing it to someone I love, I knew me and Ash wouldn't break up any time soon.

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