Chapter 12

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I woke up shivering feeling no one at my side. All the memories flooded back into my head from yesterday. The beeping, the crying, the sadness, my episode..... I feel a hole in my heart wanting my mom back. Tears started sliding down my cheeks as I curled into a ball. I winced softly feeling pain in my arms from last night. I feel so broken and I just want to end it all right now.... No one would miss me, I'll just be that pathetic kid with no one at my funeral.

"Andy breakfast is on the table." I heard Ashley say softly.

"I'm not hungry...."

"Come on Andy you have to eat. I know your sad about what happened but you need to gain your strength back. You were doing so go with getting better, don't throw that away." His voice was full of sympathy.

"I said I'm not hungry!" I yelled and clenched my fists.

"You don't have to yell Andy...we are leaving for school in a few minutes be ready." With that he left me alone in his bed. I screamed loudly into his pillow, punching the bed over and over. Why won't this never ending pain stop! Why can't I be a normal kid with a normal family. Why can't i think like normal people and not have morbid thoughts about hurting myself? I just want to be that so much to ask?


After I calmed myself down, I got out of bed. My hair was a mess and my eyes were red and puffy. I didn't bother in changing the clothes I was wearing from last night. I was on autopilot, just so numb to everything. I ran my fingers through my hair and picked up my back pack. I really don't care how I look I just wanted this day to be over with.

I shuffled down the stairs seeing Ash packed and ready to go. I pulled my sleeves down over my hands making sure my cuts didn't show. Ashley frowned a little opening the front door for me. I keep my head down trying to suppress the tears of everything.

"You look a mess baby...are you ok?" He asked as we walked down the sidewalk to school.

"Yeah im completely ok..." I said just above a whisper.

"You sure?"

"I'm fine Ashley!! Just leave me the hell alone!" I screamed walking faster ahead of him. I don't know why I was yelling at him but I was.

"Why are you acting like an asshole?! I'm just trying to be a good boyfriend and see if your ok! I understand that your fucked up right with your mom dying and all but don't take it out on me!"

I stopped in my tracks turning around to face Ashley. The words your fucked up echoed through my head as tears fell down my cheeks. I was fucked up, everything about me was fucked up. Now Ashley just proved all my horrible thoughts.

"Andy I-I....didn't mean it like that...I'm sorry please come here...."

"Fuck you!" I screamed,

I turning back around and bolted to the school trying to get far away from him. I thought he loved me, he said her cared about me. I trusted him, gave him everything and this is what I get in return. I hate Ashley Purdy right now, I hate everything about him and I just wanted to get far far away from him.


I walked around the silent hallways not wanting to go to second period. Ash was in that class, and right now I didn't want to see him. He probably would get pissed at me for avoiding him but I don't give to fucks. Think all will, but there is no way im going near him. I even thought about breaking up with him, but did I really want to lose him? He is all I have, but do I really want to let him go?

Many questions swarmed around in my head. My body was pressed against a locker, hair hanging my face. I looked dead to the world. Dark circles rimmed my eyes from the lack of sleep. I looked like a walking zombie. Out of the corner of my eye, I saw a few darkly dressed. They walked down the hallway in a pack just talking. I've seen them around school before, but I never engaged in a conversation. They were  feared by everyone at school school, no one messed with them ever. The girl, Whisper, was the main leader of the group. Her long hair was dyed a dark blue color with half her head shaved. Her bright hazel eyes popped out from the dark eye liner riming her water line. They dressed in all black, ripped jeans and band t-shirts. The guys, Jake, CC, and Jinxx had on boots and a leather jacket, while Whisper had black creepers on and an over sized sweater. It was scary standing there close to them. They laughed and talked not even noticing I was there. I was going to run, but I just said fuck it and stayed.

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