Chapter 1

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Andy's POV:

If you had one wish before everything came to an end what would it be? Would you want to drive that car you always wanted? Maybe tell that one person you've know for years you loved them from the first time you saw them? Would you ask to win a million dollars knowing your going to die the next day. Star in your favorite TV show you always watched as a kid? It's kind of hard to think about an answer when you've been asked on the spot. That's what mom said when I asked her one night. I sat in one of those uncomfortable hospital chairs chewing on my pen, every night. I don't know why that question came to mind. Maybe because mom laid in an upright position fixing the oxygen tubes in her nose.

"I don't know baby, I guess I would have to say, the one wish I would want is my family with me holding my hand smiling as I take my final breaths." She smiled softly then started to cough hard. I flinched back in my seat gripping my notebook trying not to watch. It's always hard watching your mom slowly die right in front of you.

After a minute or two passed she finally stopped that horrible coughing. She took deep breaths trying to regain her breath again. I was always scared of the day I would walk in here to find an empty bed with a nurse waiting for me. She would say your mom was a great fighter and lung cancer is hard to beat. She's in a good place right now, with the other angels watching over you. I would cry as I do every night laying in a cold bed thinking why her and not me. I can never make her wish come true, half our family is dead and the other half just doesn't fucking care. Dad never even came to see mom, said shes going to die anyway so why bother.

He was never the same after mom was diagnosed with lung cancer. He started to drink, go to bars, act like everything was peachy when we all knew it wasn't. He hit me a couple times to, gave me a black eye, and a few bruised ribs. School was never better either, everyone seemed to be after me. I had a few friends, I was hated, they beat me, slammed me in lockers, called me names. What do you expect. Everyone beat on the openly gay, troubled, emo boy. I never really told anyone about this either, not like I had anyone but mom. I could never tell her the things that happen to me it would break her fragile heart.

I glanced up at the clock and frowned slightly, closing my book in the poses. I started to pack up my books taking out my iPod.

"Mom it's 8:30, i have to go now visiting hours are up. Are you going to be alright?" I walked to her bed slinging my beat up black book bag over my shoulder. I took her hand as she opened her eyes smiling up at me.

"I'm going to be fine sweetheart. You need to get home and get a good nights sleep. You have school in the morning."

"I know I know don't remind me. Getting up at 5:30 is never fun." I laughed rubbing circles in her hand with my thumb.

"Oh quit your whining Andy. Have a good day at school tomorrow, I'll see you tomorrow?"

"You know it, same time right after classes end." I kissed the top of her forehead and let go of her hand. This was the hardest part of the night, saying goodbye and wishing she will be alive when I come see her tomorrow. I smiled walking out of the room shoving my ear buds in my ears waving bye to all the nurses. I pushed the doors opened and walked out into the cold fall weather turning on Misfits, hugging my jacket trying to stay warm.

Following the street lamps back to my house, the shadows danced around on the roads startling me. I just walked further into the darkness. It's always a bitch walking home this late at night with no car. No matter what the weather was like or how sick I was that day, I'd always go visit mom.

I pulled my keys out of my pocket sliding it into the lock and twisting it with a flick of the wrist. Using my side I pushed the door open walking into an empty, dark house.

"Probably at the fucking bar again." I mumbled to myself closing the door behind me and headed up the stairs to my room. There were so many memories in that room but many left me with tears running down my face. I shook my head of those thoughts and set my bag down in the corner pulling off my shirt, looking in the mirror. Running a hand through my hair I looked at my very skinny pale body, watching as my ribs and hip bones jutted out. I weighed barley 150 pounds but I guess when you starve yourself that's what you get. I sighed softly catching a glimpse of my faded scars in the mirror, beginning at my wrists and trailing up my arms. What was wrong with me? Why was mom in that hospital bed slowly dying. It should be me? I felt hot tears streak my semi cold cheek as they plummeted to the hard wood floor. I pulled on another shirt  a pair of sweat pants, shuffling to my bed. I was so weak and no one saw it, but who's looking? My eyes showed it all, the pain, the suffering, everything that I keep bottled up.

I wiped my eyes and pulled the covers over my body staring up at the ceiling. I then suddenly asked myself the same question I had asked mom.

"If you had one wish before everything came to an end what would it be Andy?" I thought for a few moments and then said out loud.

"My wish would be to find someone to love me for me. Someone that will be there every step of the way as I try to deal with all my feelings. Someone who would never give up on me and help me through it. Someone to hold me at night as I cry in their chest, telling me everything is going to be ok." The tears silently flowed out of my red puffy eyes as I set my alarm, falling into a deep sleep.


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