Chapter 11

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Trigger warning: if you can't handle reading this chapter due to it being a trigger, I would suggest you not read that chapter. I will give a small summary on what happened if you chose not to read it.

The doctor came into the waiting room I was in, a sad expression on his face. I wanted to break down crying, but I had to be strong.

"Andy...Your...Your mom's not going to make it the night." He said, setting the clip board on the table. "Shes stable right now, but that can change at any minute."

"C-Can I go see her?" My voice came out in a low whisper.

"Yes, I would say your goodbyes." He pat me on the shoulder picking his clip board back up and exiting the room.

Tears slid down my cheeks as I made an effort to stand up. I was a little wobble, but Ashley kept me from falling. We walked slowly into moms room, the faint beeping of the heart monitor cutting through the silence. I pulled away from Ash, stumbling to mom side. I took ahold of her hand, rubbing small circles in it.

"Mom...I-I just wanted to say I love you so much. You we're always there for me when I needed you most. I remember once we decorated the whole house in streamers because I wanted a streamer wonderland. I-I don't want you to leave me...but I can't see you in pain anymore. You will always be in my heart, forever and always. Its ok can let go now....goodbye mom." Her heart monitor went from a faint beat to flat line.

My breathing became, sort breaths as small sobs escaped my throat. Ashley pulled me out of the room as doctors came in to unhook all the wires out of her. Tears streamed down my face as Ashley whispered sweet nothings into my ear. He rubbed my back, calming me down so that I could breath normally.

"Come on Andy, I'm going to take you back to my house."

I nodded my head walking in sync with Ashleys strides. I was so broken right now, I felt selfish that I wanted her to stay with me. I knew she was in pain but i made her stay. Its all my fault she suffered. All because I needed someone to talk to, she stayed enduring the pain.

Ashley pulled into his driveway, helping me out of the car. I whipped my tear stained face with my sleeve, heading to the door. I let it swing open, by feet dragging me into the room. I only had one thought on my mind, and i was going to do it to numb the pain.

"I have to use the bathroom, I'm not feeling to well." I said holding my stomach.

"Awe my pore baby, there is a bathroom upstairs and one around the coroner. I'll be in my room so call if you need me.

I nodded my head, watching Ash climb the stairs. My feet carried me to the downstairs bathroom, letting the door shut and lock behind me. A fresh new round of tears rolled down my cheeks. I dug through the cabinets till I found what i was looking for. A razor, with shinny blades under the plastic. I set it on the floor, using my foot to break the plastic barrier. I picked up a blade off the floor, letting it twirl in my fingers. I slid down the wall, rolling up my sleeves. The glint of the blade shinned in my eyes as I positioned it on my arm.

"Its all my fault." I whisper before letting the blade dance around my arm. It left cuts deep, some shallow, others like scratches. I felt the pain as I did it over and over and over again. Blood followed out of my arms, not enough to kill me but enough to make me out of it.

I put my head in my hands curling into a ball on the floor. I just cried, letting the numbness was over me. I didn't want to feel anything, it all just hurt way to much. I now truly had no one, yes I had Ashley but he couldn't fix me, I'm way to broken.

After what seemed like forever, I wrapped gauze around my arms. I cleaned up whatever mess I made, before opening the door. I winced softly as I pulled my sleeves down making my way up the stairs. Ashley smiled as he saw me walk into the room. I crawled into his bed, cuddling in his side and crying. He rubbed my back softly as I cried myself to sleep that night.

Ok if you skipped this chapter, what happened was that Andys mother died. Yup its was very heart breaking for him. Ash was there to comfort him.
As i was writing this, I almost cried myself. If i made you cry im very sorry *virtual hug* Vote, comment, share. I love you all.

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