Chapter 17

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The smell of mint filter through my nostrils while taking my first steps into the house. Everything looked the same, except for the couch being moved in a different corner of the room. The chairs seemed unmoved from there original spots, the cups and plates placed perfectly in line on the table untouched. It scared me a little bit, I was so used to a small bare room but now it was just open space. I had no rules I had to follow, no one was going to check on me every hour, I was finally free.

"You ok love?" Ashley asked, wrapping his arms around my waist and swaying.

"Yeah...I feel free." I said placing a small kiss on Ashley's hot cheek. There was no words to describe the way I felt right now, I haven't been this happy in years.

"Good." He smirked softly, picking me up bridal style and walked up the stairs. My cheeks burned a soft color of red as he open the bedroom door and placed me down on the bed.

My back laid against the sheets while Ash crawled on the bed into a hovering position above me. I had almost forgotten these intense moments when locked up. I forgot how my skin would grow hot as Ash placed butterfly kisses on my shoulders. It's been to long since I felt these emotions and feelings towards Ash. Passion, love, romance, and dedication flowed through my veins with ever beat of my heart and every breath I took. Nothing in my life compared to what I was feeling right now as Ash pushed his lips against mine and trailed small kisses on my shoulder.

"You don't know how long I've been waiting for you to come home." Ash breath out, his fingers playing with the buttons on my shirt.

"I'm able to tell." I snakes my hand to the back of his head, pushing him down into a hungry kiss. His quick fingers undid the first to buttons of my shirt, leaving half my chest exposed. He didn't waist anytime with attaching his lips to my cold chest. I let out a small breathless moan as he continued down my chest and to my waist line.

"Ah...fuck Ash you tease." I said as he kissed back up to my lips. I felt his tongue entertain mouth, exploring ever surface it could find. He pulled after a couple of minutes, giving his award winning sexy smirk.

"That's enough for tonight. We'll continue that another night." He laid down in the bed and pulled closer. The tightness in my pants grew worse as he tailed his hand to my hip and closed his eyes. I was so fucking turned on now...and there was nothing I could to do help it. I was stuck in Ashley's grip with a huge boner while he fell into a deep peaceful sleep.

Ok so short chapter but there was a little smut for ya. It was hard to type this with a numb hand and hiding the phone bc I'm supposed to be asleep lol. Well hoped you liked it, comment, vote, share

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