Chapter 25: This Is The End

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Before I write this chapter I just want to thank you all so much for all your reads, comments, and votes. This story made it to over 4k reads. Without all of you this wouldn't have been possible. I love you and I had a blast writing this Andley. Drum roll please *does drum roll* here is the last chapter of Can You Save Me From The Broken.
Andy's POV:

Butterflies swarmed my stomach as my hands shook uncontrollably. I was standing in front of a mirror, smoothing out my tux while my friends gathered around. Jinxx was helping me pin the decorative flower, Ashley's touch, onto the front of my black suit. CC was in tears, wallowing about how I, the baby of the band, was growing up to fast. Ella and Laura coed over how handsome I looked and how grown up and sophisticated I can across. I hadn't seen Ashley in two day, two days to long I must say. It was custom to not see each other the day before the wedding saying it would bring bad luck.

"I wish my mom was here to see this." I said softy, fixing my now shorter cut hair in the mirror.

"She's here Andy, watching over you and so proud at what you have become." Jinxx said, straightening out my crocked tie.

"I know, I just miss her so much. She was my everything." I said softy, focusing my gaze to my dress shoes.

"Now now Andy, don't get all upset on your wedding day. Your mom wouldn't want that now would she?"

"No." I said looking up and giving him a small smile. "Thanks Jinxx you really are the best."

"It's what brothers do for each other. Me and the rest of us are going to get in line to walk up. The lady running this will be down here any minute to get you."

I nodded my head, giving them a little wave as they walked out. It was not quiet in my little room, the only nose being heard was the bird chirping. I turned around, gazing at the chair across the room; seeing the figure of my mom sitting there. Was I going crazy? I shook my head slightly, seeing her still sitting there with a big smile on her face. Tears pricked my eyes as she gave me a thumbs up, her voice echoing in my head.

"Good job my Andy, you found your happiness." In the amount of time she was there, her figure vanished in thin air. I fanned my eyes, drying the tears that were about to come. After all those years, I had finally saw my mom once again. A lady, the one Jinxx had mentioned, motioned me out of the room and in front of two cheery mahogany doors. Everyone had already walked the aisle, the only one that was left was me.

After a minute or two, the door swung open reveling a crowd full of people, our friends. Danny, Ronnie, Matt, Sammi and CC stood on my side of the alter, where Oli, Jake, Jinxx, Laura, and Ella stood on Ashley's side. My lover Ashley stood up straight with his hands clasped behind his back, giving me the biggest smile I had ever seen. His hair was straightened, handing over both of his shoulder, his water line rimmed with eyeliner. The suit he was wearing looked stunning on him, well everything looked stunning on him.

I began to walk down the aisle with Joe Flanders, my cousin that I was very close to growing up. It felt like such a long walk to Ashley, but in reality it only took a minute. A soft blush creeped across my cheeks as I stood right across from each other, a pastor standing in between us. He opened up his book, flipping through a few pages before clearing his throat for everyone to quiet down.

"Dearly beloved, we gathered together in the sign of God - and in this face of the company - to join together this man, and this man in holy matrimony." I couldn't stop staring in Ashley's eyes while the pastor rambled on with his whole speech. I was so lucky to be marrying the one I truly love.

"Now if you two could exchange your vows." He spoke turning to Ashley.

"I Ashley Purdy, take you Andy Biersack to be my husband, to have and to hold from this day forward, for better or for worse, for richer, for poorer, in sickness and in health, to love and to cherish; from this day forward until death do us part." He spoke swiftly, giving me a small smile as he finished.

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