Chapter 19

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I lay in bed with my eyes partly closed, thinking about all the things that has happened to me. Out of all the most amazing things to happen would be having Ashley in my life. I wouldn't know what to do without him, hes the only one that has given me the hope to keep fight, to ignore all the hate full comments, and to live my life to the fullest. We do get into fights, that's what normal couples do, but at the end of the day we always kiss and make up no matter what. He helps me through my low moments, hes my rock.

I felt a pair of warm soft lips attach to mine making my eyes flutter open to meet two chocolate brown ones. His hair hung in his face as I brushed a strand being his ear so I could get a better look at him. His smile was so warm and inviting, that I just wanted to keep kissing him over and over again. To feel his warm touch, to make my whole again just from one little simple action of a kiss.

"Morning beautiful, ready for school?" He asked, pushing the hair out of my eyes.

"Do we have to?" I groaned, just wishing he could get back in bed with me and cuddle the rest of the yes.

"You missed to many days of school this year, so yes we have to go for you to graduate. Now come on breakfast is waiting for you downstairs."

He left the room as I gave him another long groan. I had no intention in going to school, but Ash would keep pushing me out the door till I do. So out of common sense, I threw the blanket off my body, threw on a clean shirt, and wiggles my long legs into tight skinny jeans. My hair stuck up at some sides, but personal I didn't give a fuck, so I slicked my hair back with water and assented the stairs. I was thinking of cutting my hair, it was really getting on my nerves today and I was just done with dealing with it. After school I was for sure on giving this lion main a trim.

Ashley was sitting at the table working on his assignment while a plate of waffles sat next to him, syrup on the side just how I like it. I took a seat next to him, tearing off a piece and sticking it in the brown syrup before popping it in my mouth. I took a few more bites of the waffle, deciding that I was done eating for this morning. I nudges Ashes shoulder, showing him the two waffles that were on my plate.

"Your full already?" He asked, looking me up and down before taking the plate.

"Yeah, don't worry I'll eat my lunch today." Ashley had been really on top of my eating habits since I've gotten home. I was happy that he actually cared about me eating and what not, it made me feel happy. I grabbed my backpack off the chair and slung it over my shoulder for the day.

"Alright baby lets get going." Ashley said, grabbing his backpack and threw it over his shoulder. He pecked my lips quickly before grabbing the keys and heading for the car. I followed him, frowning softly, because really I didn't want to school.

~skip car ride~

I was surprised to find my locker untouched. No notes were taped on the door, nor were there any inside my locker. Ashley stood next to me, leaning against the door watching all the kids who stared at me. I can already guess that word got around of me being admitted into a mental hospital for my suicide attempt. I didn't want them to know, but they do I have no way to make them forget about it. I let out a small sight, closing my locker while holding my book in one hand.

"You ok babe?" Ashley asked, taking my hand as he walked me to first period.

"I don't know, I just wished the kids would stop staring and I wish that they didn't know about my personal issues."

"Oh Ands I'm sorry, one kid found out and it spread like a wild fire in school. But don't you worry, if someone messes with you, they are gonna have to go through me." He smiled softly, stopping at my classroom door. He kisses me sweetly on the lips before hugging me tightly. "Now go in there, keep your head up high, ignore the asshole, and learn something new."

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