Chapter 8 | Stalking 101

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Izuku's Pov. 

  About an hour later, they started swimming back because they weren't sure how long the breathing underwater would last. At the moment they were in the place with lots of rocks again. This was the most fun he'd had in his entire life... He wanted Ochaco to do this with him again sometime. 

  "Thanks for coming out here with me," he thanked her, slowing down the pace of his swim so that she could hear it easier. "I really, really appreciate it."

  "Thanks for giving me a tour!" she beamed at him. "I had a great time with you today."

  His heart skipped a beat and he turned his head to see where he was going so that she didn't see his red face. 

  "You-You don't have to thank me," he rubbed the back of his head with his free hand. "You were the one that had to drink that gross potion thing I made."

  "It wasn't as bad as I expected. Still pretty gross, but at least you didn't have to put your snot or something into it," she reasoned.

  "I guess that's true..." he trailed off. 

  "Do you want to do this again sometime?"

  "I kinda want to do this again sometime."

  They said it at the same time.

  Izuku and Ochaco laughed. 

  "Yeah, actually I have some more of that potion left... But first I want to explore your world... You always tell me how exciting it is and I want to see it for myself," he admitted. 

  "Sure, but first I'll have to find Kacchan or whatever his name is," she reasoned.

  "His real name is Katsuki Bakugo... Kacchan was just a nickname I gave him and he calls me Deku..." Izuku swam a little slower. 

  "Do you want to talk about it?" the brunette questioned, and he stopped moving forward.

  "Not really... I shouldn't get you wrapped up in my life. Not when I just met you not long ago..." he felt guilty for getting her lost in his problems. 

  "I don't mind," she went next to him.

  "It's just that he bullies me... Our voices develop over years, but mine is just so awful that I'm an outcast among the other sirens... I wish I could fit in..." he confessed. 

  "I don't," she told him, and he looked up at her in confusion.

  "But-" he tried.

  "Don't give me that," she took both of his hands. "If you fit in, you wouldn't have stalked me, and if you didn't stalk me, we never would've met in the first place. You're one of my best friends right now even if we've only known each other for a week or two."

  Those words touched his heart. They really did. Although, the part of the stalking kind of made him feel weird. He had to face that he had been watching her for a while though. 

  "And even if we only have two more months together before I have to go back to school, I would love to spend every hour of every day together. Well, I need to make time with my other friends, they've been getting jealous of our time together. But besides that and work, I spend literally every second with you," she finished. 

  That was when he pinned her to a rock. 

Ochaco's Pov. 

  All of a sudden, Izuku took her shoulders and pushed them to a nearby rock. It didn't hurt despite it all happening so quick. 

  Their faces were inches apart. They stared into each other's eyes for a good moment. She felt blush consumer her face swiftly. What was he going to do? Was he trying to kiss her? no, that couldn't be it, right? This was too fast! They didn't meet long ago! Also, there was that whole thing about how they were different species! Sure he was nice, kind, adorable, and sweet, but-

  Instead of kissing her, he brought a finger to his lips. He wanted her to stay quiet. 

  'Wait a minute... Is someone else here!?'

  Ochaco nodded her head promptly. 

  She felt disappointment consume her and a pit in her stomach sit there. There was no way he would even have the courage to pull that anyway... What was she thinking? How could she even imagine that he would have any romantic feelings for her?

  Izuku let go of her and peeked over the rock. She did the same thing. 

  It was another siren. It made more sense why he pushed her to the rock now! He was trying to hide her from whoever this was. 

  His hair was half white and the other was half red. His tail was ruby red. He had a bad scar on the side with red hair. She wondered what it was from, but decided it was more important to stay hidden. She noticed that he was glancing around the area. Was the siren looking for Izuku?

  The siren made his way to the surface. Ironically, it was where they were trying to get. 

  Izuku took her hand and swam far away from there. 

  "This can't be happening. It isn't possible!" Izuku mumbled. 

  "Did you know who it was?" she asked. 

  "Yeah, that was Shoto," Izuku answered. "He's one of my few friends and the prince in this part of the ocean. So what was he doing at the surface? It's forbidden!"

  "You go up to the surface to stalk me all the time," she reminded him and he felt his face heat up. 

  "I guess that's true... Ready to learn how to watch someone without them noticing?" he asked. 

  "You mean stalking," she gave him a suspicious glance, "You're teaching me how to stalk someone."

  "A better way to put it would be spying..." he muttered. 

  She giggled. 

  "Yeah I'm giving you tips," he rubbed the back of his head. "But if you go on land we'll be able to have two views and get a better grip on the situation."

  "I guess that's true," she agreed. "Do you think he's meeting someone?"

  "Maybe... I don't know any other reason he'd go that close to land," he nodded his head. 

  "Okay, then bring me up there, but far enough away so he won't notice me," she instructed. 

   Izuku took her hand and took her farther than the siren Shoto would see her.

  "Don't get too close. You don't need to get close unless you think you need to hear the conversation. Don't make any loud sounds. You don't have to be invisible to them, you just need to be invisible to their senses. Take their hearing and sight into account-" she cut him off by letting go of his hand.

  "I'll be fine," she told him before getting out of the water. 


Author's Note: I hope you all caught the reference-

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