Chapter 16 | Two Major Questions

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Ochaco's Pov.

  "Tomorrow we're going to get ice cream with Shoto and Momo..." Ochaco declared, uncapping the potion and drinking the contents. Again, pretty disgusting... But... At least she was expecting it. 

  "Sounds good," Izuku nodded. It was near the middle-ish of the summer and she still couldn't muster the courage to tell him that she liked him. 

  "But today even though we're all here, we shouldn't stick to their backs. I don't want to make them feel weird by being a third wheel," she told him, slipping into the water. 

  "You wouldn't be third-wheeling if you went on a double date with us," Shoto was blunt. 

  "Shoto," Momo called his name to get him to stop. And it was a good thing too... Her face was already heating up... "You know they're not dating. Don't be rude."

  "I was only stating the obvious," the dual-haired boy pointed out.

  "Ochaco, Izuku," Momo called their attention. "You don't have to worry about making things awkward. It's alright if you come with us."

  She watched as Momo kissed Shoto: one of the three ways to breathe underwater. Shoto seemed surprised at first, but then it looked like he remembered why she was doing this. 

  "I think I'll pass," Ochaco waved both of her hands in front of her face. "You enjoy your time together. Izuku and I could always..."

  She glanced at him, signaling for him to say something. She had no clue what to say...

  "We could always... Um... Try to go to my house?" he fumbled his words until he made something up. 

  "Yeah! Let's do that!" she dove underwater and waited for him to lead the way. 

  He took her hand and began swimming away promptly, getting the message. 

  "You're right. I think it was best to let them be," Izuku started moving slower than before. 

  Ochaco nodded her head silently. Soon, she started talking again. 

  "Izuku... Since we're going to your house... Will you tell me more about your family?" he stiffened at her words, but still replied. 

  "It's just my mom and me... I don't have any siblings... And... My dad died in a tiger shark incident a few years ago..." he slowed to a stop. It seemed he couldn't move at that moment. "I-I don't know him very well because he died when I was really young..."

  "I didn't mean to upset you," she put a hand on her shoulder. "I'm sorry I brought it up... But... Thanks for opening up to me. I really appreciate it."

  Ochaco wrapped her arms around him, feeling like he needed that hug right then and there. 

  "I-It's okay!" he stuttered, returning to his normal flustered self. "You would've probably found out at some point anyway!"

  She released him.

  "Well... There is another question I wanted to ask..." Ochaco looked down, eyes landing on her necklace that she didn't take off. It was too special to leave at the rocks.   

  "What is it..?" he gazed into her eyes, looking slightly confused and genuinely curious. He gave her this look often and she thought it was adorable. 

  "Well... It's about my conch," she took the shell in her hand.

Izuku's Pov.

  "Well... It's about my conch..." Ochaco was staring at it, taking her necklace in her hand. 

  "What about it?" Izuku questioned. 

  'Does she know!?'

  Was it possible Shoto or Momo told her about the mate tradition!? That would completely ruin their relationship right then and there! What if she hated him? He wouldn't be able to handle Ochaco loathing him! She was one of his only friends...  Ochaco was just so kind and beautiful and perfect! He didn't want to let her go! 

  "Izuku," he felt a tap on his shoulder and snapped out of his trance. "Do you want to hear my question?"

  "Of course! What you think always matters to me Ochaco!" he blurted, blushing at his own statement. He needed to stop blurting things. He should think through what he says from now on. 

  "Well... It's just that Momo told me that sirens have the tradition to give their lover their matching conch or whatever..." she did know! What was he going to do!? "It's just... Why did you waste your love life's future by giving this to me..?"

  She looked really guilty and that made his heart break. He didn't want her to feel this way...

  "What... What do you mean?" he asked, pushing a few strands of her hair behind her ear so that he could see her face better. 

  "I know you've fallen for some siren! They're probably worth all your time and more! Why would you give your conch to someone like me? I know you want to interact with me, but you're just giving your whole communication with someone you love away!" she was left taking deep breaths, clearly upset. 

  'No, Ochaco... I've fallen for you... Not anyone else...'

  "Ochaco, you're my very best human friend," sympathy rushed through him. "I would give everything to keep things the way they are. I want to hear from you. I want to see you. I get that opportunity a lot more now that I gave you this and I would never change that. Not ever. 

  Maybe he should've rephrased that... He did want that to change... He wanted her to be his mate. He couldn't tell her that just yet though...

  "So who are you in love with then?" she mumbled. 

  "She..." how was he supposed to answer that? It was her! But he didn't want to say that! "She has the prettiest smile... Her voice is all I want to hear... Her eyes always sparkle when she's excited about something. She's like the light in my life. She's the most kindhearted and loveliest thing there ever was. I love her so, so much..."

  "She sounds wonderful..." Ochaco sounded like she was trying really hard to choke the words out. 

  "She-She is," he told her. Izuku wanted to tell her. He wanted to say 'I'm talking about you'. But he couldn't. The words didn't make it out of his mouth. 

  "Anyway, we're almost to my house, so you need to be quiet," he pushed a finger to his lips, and when she nodded, he took her hand and continued swimming to their destination. 

Love Deeper than the Ocean | IzuOcha Mermaid AUWhere stories live. Discover now